It’s October and while the sun keeps slipping away quicker each day, the night sky brings it’s twinkling stars and radiant moon to welcome you with open arms. Through the cooling temperatures, the prospect of being able to snuggle up to that boy who’s caught your eye is a teasing thought in your mind. The only problem, he isn’t noticing the attention. Erase all worries, because we have some helpful tips from the boys themselves, on how to seduce and escape the infamous “friend-zone.”
Major: Electrical Engineering
Interests: Breakdance, football, calculus
Favorite Quotes: “Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.”
“Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Turn-ons: Style, confidence (to a point where she believes in herself), intelligence (not just academically-smart, but street-smart as well), well-rounded person
Turn-off: Unhygienic, cocky, uptight
Can a girl you’ve thought of as a buddy, break out of the “friend-zone”?
How can a girl kick it with you and your guy-friends without seeming like “one of the guys”?
First thing’s first, dress to impress the guy you’re interested in because it will already make you stand out. Second, I would expect the girl to pay more attention to me than my guy-friends do. If she’s more attached to me and does things a guy-friend wouldn’t do, like puts her head on my shoulder or sends some sort of signal, it’s a good sign she’s interested. As men, we tend to compete with each other, and if there’s only one girl in the room, we want her to notice us. If she pays more attention to me, then I feel more confident in myself.
Should a girl to fess-up her romantic feelings to a guy-friend, or is it not worth the risk of ruining the friendship (and making it awkward)?
Most guys think they can read women’s minds, but in reality, we can’t. It’s hard to read a woman’s mind and know what they really want, and the only way for a guy to know is for the girl to tell him, straight up. Honesty is the best policy. Once she tells him her feelings and if she doesn’t see anything progressing, then that’s a signal for her to move on.
Would you rather get to know a girl first (as a friend) before dating her, or just jump right into things if she catches your eye?
When I see a hot girl, I see myself in a relationship with her, but I know that I should wait because if I jump into a relationship and things don’t work out, then it’s a waste of time for both individuals. It’s like dating a stranger. Getting to know a person is better because we’re already in the zone where we’re both comfortable with each other and share common interests. But, guys are really impatient, so we want things to happen fast, but girls see it as more of a long-term thing, and both views conflict with each other. You have to meet in the middle some-how.
His advice: If a girl likes a guy, she should tell him so that it won’t be awkward when she hangs out with him. The worst thing that can happen is that he doesn’t like her in the same way, but life goes on, of course. But don’t expect him to know, just be honest. It’s better to live on knowing the truth than to continue wondering “what if?”
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.