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Reasons Emma Watson is the Best Role Model Ever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

When you look online or open a magazine, it seems these days a good role model is hard to find! It’s time to appreciate one of the best: the beauty that is Emma Watson. Here are some cool things about this awesome lady that are worth admiring.


She has effortless and classic style.

Emma always manages to looks put together and stylish in a way that makes you want to sing Beyonce’s “Flawless.” Are we the only ones who wants to steal her wardrobe?


She keeps it real.

She’s just an average girl, like us!


She stands up for others.

When Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said that women should not laugh in public, as it aids “moral depravity,” Emma responded beautifully on Twitter to let the women of Turkey know that they are not alone!


She is never afraid to speak her mind.

Emma speaks out about causes that are important to her without fear of consequences or of what people may think. As a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, she often gives speeches about equality between the sexes and helped launch the HeForShe campaign that encourages others, specifically men, to also speak up about this issue. Her bravery and passion is definitely something to model.


She isn’t afraid to be herself.

It seems like this is something a lot of us forget to feel on a day-to-day basis. We should all take a page from Emma on this one!


Images Courtesy of JustJaredJr, FreeHd, Emma’s Twitter, Daily Signal, and Refinery29.

Annie has been a writer since she first laid her hands on her grandmother's type writer. Since then, she has adapted to computers and arguably has better grammar. When she figures out what twitter is, you can tweet her here https://twitter.com/MissAnnieMc .