By now, we have seen two Republican Debates air on television. We’ve heard about Dr. Carson’s surgeries, Rubio’s immigrant parents, heard all about what Trump had to say, and applauded when Carly Fiorina completely owned Trump (and his hair). Now it’s time for the Democrats to take the stage and show us what they’ve got. Whether you’re a polisci major, an involved individual, or you are just going to watch the debate because your friends are, here are the top five things to look out for during the Democratic Debate, airing this Tuesday, October 13 at 9pm on CNN.
1. Hillary has been the front-runner for a long time, but has experienced some bumps along her campaign trail. Definitely expect Hillary to be questioned about her email scandal from this past March. Let’s see if these questions don’t overpower her ability to speak about policy.
2. Look out for a possible last-minute entrance by current VP, Joe Biden. Apparently CNN might be expecting a surprise appearance by the one and only Joe Biden. Anderson Cooper, moderator of the debate, said that he is preparing for Biden if he decides to run right before cameras start rolling.
3. Bernie Sanders, Vermont senator and front-runner in New Hampshire, hasn’t been doing the usual debate prep – apparently he has only been preparing for the past week. His attacks will be “on policy, not persona.” Don’t expect any shots fired from good ol’ Bernie.
4. There are fewer candidates in this debate in comparison to the Republicans; Clinton, Sanders, O’Malley, Webb, Chafee, and Lessig are the only competitors. So no worries, there won’t be an “A List” and “B List” of candidates telling them if they’re invited to the real debate, or just the pre-show….
5. Last but not least, you can definitely expect a comedic review about the debate the following night by the one and only, Jimmy Fallon – no one does politics better than him.
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