Everyone knows that the Fifty Shades movie franchise is not exactly known for its great plot or writing. The movies do however make for a great girls night. The final movie just came out and I had a great time seeing it with my friends. Here is one way you can plan a fun night out.
1. Get a group chat going with your gal pals
2. Look up movie times and pick a date/time that works for everyone then choose someone to host a pre
3. Have everyone bring a bottle of wine, some sort of snack food, a water bottle and a decent sized purse
4. Once everyone arrives crack open the wine and then pool the snacks so that everyone can make a to-go snack bag
5. Get tipsy and swap some fun “50 Shades” inspired stories
6. Have a designated driver, call an Uber or take public transit to the theatre. Make sure to leave with plenty of time to spare so you can get prime seating
7. Buy your tickets- have everyone choose a different line or use the kiosks to save time
8. By-pass the snack line, remember you have a snack bag and water bottle in your purse #studentbudget
9. Claim your seats and visit the washroom before the show
10. Download the TimePlay app and play against your friends (or work together and beat everyone else in the theatre)
11. Enjoy the show