Animation is an amazing genre. I remember stumbling upon my first animation channel when I was in the eighth grade. Back then, I didn’t realize how difficult it was to animate and just enjoyed the funny characters and stories that the animators told. Now that I’m older, I truly see the hard work that animators put in their YouTube videos. Here’s a shout-out to 4 awesome animation YouTube channels that definitely deserve your view!
1. DomicsI have to start off this list with my personal fav, Domics! Not only is he a Canadian animator, but his animations are so funny! He’s most popular for his break up series, and his neighbours series. His animations have improved so much since he started posting animations in 2012. He has a fast-growing fanbase, achieving 6.6 million subscribers over a span of 7 years! Check out his channel here!
2. IllymationIllymation is a newer animator I have stumbled upon. Her “Abusive Ex-Boyfriend” animation really caught my attention. She spoke about her struggles with an ex she had a long time ago, and how she overcame that difficult period in her life. She speaks from her heart, and her animation is extremely beautiful and colourful. She also has some super funny animations and short anecdotes. She’s growing fast, and her channel is barely a year old!
3. JelloApocalypseJelloApocalypse is most known for his “Welcome to Social Media!” series where he criticizes the users of a certain platform. However, nowadays he has a new series called “So, This is Basically” where he summarizes plots of shows in animation format. His animation style is unique and dynamic, and you can definitely tell he has talent in a variety of art styles. Definitely give his channel a watch if you’re more on the geeky side.
4. CharlesCBernadoCharlesCBernado is probably an animator you haven’t heard of before, but he deserves the extra attention. He is most popular for his “Animal Crossing” series where he summarizes life in is Animal Crossing town. He also creates funny animations for other games such as “Super Smash Brothers” or “Super Mario Maker”. His animation is creative, and he also has variety in his animations. Check out his channel here!