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The 6 Girls You Will Meet at uOttawa: Spice Girls Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Readers, we know that you most definitely had a blast reading last month’s article “The 8 Guys You Will Meet at uOttawa” showing you all the types of boys you may encounter on campus. This time around we decided to present you the 6 types of female students you will meet at uOttawa. We chose to bring out our inner Spice Girl with the help of the British girl band that took the world by a storm 20 years ago.

The “Bébé Spice” GirlThis girl is that one francophone girl in the back of your class wanting to develop her English skills. She has that certain “je ne sais quoi” which makes her irresistible. She seems so cultured and foreign and you want to bake something delicious with her (because obviously they will be better than whatever you could make alone). With every word that she struggles to translate you fall more and more in love with her. She’s probably secretly judging you and thinking “why is this crazy girl treating me like a child” but you can’t help it. She’s magical even when she annoys you because she can’t wait to point out yours French spelling mistakes on your Facebook post…

The “Fancy Spice” GirlBeyonce wrote “Flawless” especially for this girl. You may not see her at first, but you will always hear her high heels clicking in the hallway of uOttawa. She is the type of girl who never has a bad hair day nor will you see her wearing sweatpants at school. This young woman is the definition of a fashionista. She is always well-dressed, sporting all the expensive brand names like Micheal Kors or Kate Spade. Plus, when you see her at a party, there is no way that you won’t want to be her new BFF. Hell, boys are lining up outside the door to flirt with her. She knows everything fashion related, from the latest trends from New York Fashion Week, to when Pandora is going to come out with some new charms. She knows every beauty products to make one absolutely flawless, and uses this knowledge to help herself and others. Oh, to be beautiful and fabulous…

The “Gee-Gee Spice” GirlGO UOTTAWA! SCORE SCORE SCORE! Gee-Gee Spice is a powerhouse. Always at the gym or on the field, this Spice Girl is armed and ready to kick your butt at any sport. Who said girls were weak? This girl has her headphones in and her game face on. uOttawa is known for having amazing women’s sports teams, and this girl is proof of that. So the next time you walk past Minto and see a fierce woman running on the treadmill, give her a thumbs up. These girls are on fire!

The “Sassy Spice” GirlThere are many types of Sassy Spices, in other words determined ladies. In a way, most girls at uOttawa are pretty driven. They have their eye on the prize and will go for it. However, this type of determined female student has a political edge. These girls want change in the world, and they want it now! Whether its feminism, politics, environmentalism, mental health, or anything in between, Sassy Spices will teach you about these issues and won’t stop until your mind is changed. These girls have tactics up their sleeves and will think outside of the box to educate you on important issues at UO, in Canada, or around the world.

The “Smarty Spice” GirlThis girl is the leader of your group. She has a positive attitude about life, but mostly school. This girl is the one person in your group of friends who knows exactly what she is doing after leaving university. She knows everything about everything- school, life and love. When you need advice or a shoulder to cry on, you know exactly who to call. She is your ultimate study buddy, insists that you come over to study or join her in a late night session surrounded by books at Second Cup or Starbucks. She finished her projects weeks in advanced, is as cool as a cool cucumber, and has quite the head on her shoulders. But if you want someone to go have a girl’s night out in the club or to hit the bars, don’t count on her. Besides, university is strictly for school, right…

The “Sorority Spice” GirlThis girl loves EVERYTHING and juggles it all! Studying, helping others AND socializing? These are on her daily agenda. Well rounded and approachable, Sorority Spice is a wonder girl. From morning to night, this girl is always busy with a new project. Plus on top of her sorority, she’s probably the chair of 100 other campus clubs. From A to Z (Alpha Phi to Zeta Theta Xi), these girls do it all and still manage to clock hours of philanthropy. But beware, if you spend too much time with them, you may gain some weight from the continuous baked goods and food sales! Also, she may out eat or drink you at Wing Night at Hooley’s!

There is no doubt about the fact that we all have a bit of every type of spice in all of us, because us girls we can be whoever we want to be, and do whatever we want. Which one is your inner spice?




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young hip fierce
Gloria Charles-Pierre is Her Campus uOttawa Alumni. She was one of our writers for four years and the French editor for two years. Gloria graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in Arts specialized in French Lierature and two certificates in LSQ (Langue des Signes Québécoise). Now, she is in Teachers College and loving it. Gloria spends her time doing kick-boxing and working on her personnal writing project while growing in her faith. She hopes to travel more, and to continue her studies with a Masters in Education and also continue working in editing.