Billie Eilish emerged on the music scene in 2016, yet did not gain any serious traction as a well-known artist until 2019. With the surge of chart toppers and daytime TV show appearances, she has quickly become a worldwide icon with people looking up to her for her highly unapologetic self-representation. She pushes back against the norms of society in her style of music, music videos dripping with originality, and particularly, within her clothing choices.
The norms existing in modern society have pushed us into an unverbalized agreement of complacency with how women dress and what is seen as “normal” to onlookers. However, Eilish’s style has fallen directly in line with modern movements around reclaiming female bodies, seeking to reconstruct traditional femininity into a new discourse encouraging dressing as you feel comfortable instead of what is expected of you.
Eilish has made clear that her body is for her own eyes, and is kept covered during every social event, from performing in concert to thousands of adoring fans to infamous TV shows such as Saturday Night Live. As a result of her consistent attire of baggy, oversized clothing, she leaves everything to the imagination of the media and her fans. In light of this, most media coverage of the artist solely focuses on her musical career, which the artist has been caught quoting is her main goal amidst her new fame. Eilish encourages creativity in her videos, her outlook, and of course, her irrefutably unique sense of style. It seems that alongside the emergence of global acceptance surrounding body image, many artists are joining the rebellion against tradition, with artists like Alicia Keys embracing a make-up free lifestyle. It is within newly upcoming young artists such as Billie Eilish that we find a rare relate-ability and authenticity, exemplifying the importance of what lies beyond the exterior.