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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Editor’s Note: The views in this article reflect those of the author. 

Donald Trump – is there really anything more to say? When he began his campaign for president under the Republican party all I thought was, “no way is this guy going to be president.” I was shocked when he was the Republican nominee for the presidential campaign down to the final two. However, the biggest shock was waking up to the news that Donald Trump had beaten Hillary Clinton and would be the next president of the United States. Seriously? I decided that I would give him a chance. I decided that maybe all those crazy things he said during the campaign were just to get votes and to get in office. I decided that maybe a change in party, a change in views, and a change in issues would be good for the United States (Obama I loved you, but we still have so many issues as a country). On day 1 of Donald Trump’s presidency, after he made his inaugural speech, I said if he can make it through two years without being impeached that I would be impressed.

I need to preface this by saying that I’m not affiliated with one party or another. I see my views of being middle of path; not really Republican, but not quite Democratic either. While I tend to agree more with the Democratic point of view, I also disagree with them a lot. I will admit that I voted for Hillary Clinton. I voted for her because I liked some of her views on important issues, like women’s rights and education. I also voted for her because the things that Trump was saying on the campaign trail I could not get behind. I didn’t know what to think of how he would follow through on his campaign promises, but then came his first full week of work. “Gag Rule” reinstated, Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) repealed, Immigrant/Refugee ban…the list goes on and on. I was appalled. Sure, every president goes through a bunch of executive orders in their first week, Obama did it too (both times), but Trump’s orders were very drastic. To restrict access to people who were already citizens or had green cards was unthinkable.

My biggest problem with Trump right now is how he is viewing the presidency. It’s almost like a game to him to try and see how long the American people will play. To appoint a woman who knows nothing about education as Education Secretary, move forward one space. Have his advisor, Kellyanne Conway, go on live television and talk about a fake terrorist attack? Move forward three spaces. Hold a Trump 2020 campaign rally in Florida? Move forward another space. It’s a joke to him. Mr. Trump, my life as an American is no joke. I’m only 20 years old and I have a long life to live and I don’t particularly want to leave the country I was born and raised in to do it. Take your job seriously, please.

After the past month of Trump’s presidency, my initial prediction of two years has dwindled down to one year. If he can make it through one year without being impeached, completely messing up our country or anything else, I’ll be both very, very confused and slightly impressed. I hope that Donald Trump wakes up, realizes that he is in fact our leader, and starts to do some good for the United States. 


Sources: Cover Photo

Editor’s Note: The views in this article reflect those of the author, and not necessarily those of Her Campus.


Avid baby goat enthusiast who crossed the border from Boston, MA to study at uOttawa. I love writing about anything and everything!