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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

The world of Competitive jump roping doesn’t exist only in the Disney movie Jump in. Although not quite as dramatic, Ellory Bruce a fourth year student at the University of Ottawa has brought her passion for competitive jump roping to Ottawa with her student run club, Capital Jumpers and their moves are just as good, if not better than the movies.

Age: 21
Program of study: 4th Year Communications
Nicknames: There’s El, Ellie, Elroy, Elmo and a couple jumpers call me elephant, but my favourites are Elroy or Elmo

HCuO: When did you start jump roping and what made you decide to do it?
EB: I started when I was 5 years old and I started because I was that annoying little sister who wanted to do everything her older sister did. I started jumping competitively when I was 5 and then I joined the team when I was 8.

HCuO: What countries has jump rope taken you to?
EB: Jump rope for me has been mostly Canada and the United States. However, I have had the opportunity to go to Portugal and England as well. My Sister has had the opportunity to go to parts of Africa and I would really love to go to Hong Kong at some point. I have also been invited to Tanzania for a competition. The team there is a fairly new one set up by one world one rope so they are trying to get senior jumpers to come in and teach.

HCuO: What inspired you to start Capital Jumpers at uOttawa?
EB: Jump rope is more of a lifestyle than a hobby. My first year here at university there wasn’t a team in Ottawa so I didn’t jump very much and I hated it. So, the next year I decided to do something because I couldn’t live without jump rope. I found other people who wanted to jump and made my own team.

HCuO: How has your team grown since it started?
EB: It hasn’t been very stable. We are starting to get more jumpers who are much more dedicated, but because we are bringing people in at the university level, it’s a lot of people who are just willing to try it and staying for a year or two before moving on. It gives me new people to jump with, new people to teach and have a good time.

HCuO: What shows have the Capital Jumpers performed at and do you have any upcoming shows?
EB: The big shows that we’ve done are the half time show at the uOttawa men’s basketball games. Those were a lot of fun. As for our upcoming shows, we’ll be performing during alumni week. We’ve also done some shows at some local schools and we are looking to go back and start some outreach for jump rope programs and clubs. That would provide support to the teachers who are running the program and occasionally coming in for special events.

HCuO: What does it take to be a Capital Jumper and how can others get involved?
EB: All you need to be a Capital Jumper is the willingness to learn and try. People can get involved by just showing up at one of our practices. We practice Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 o’clock in the terminus. For more information, you can find us on Facebook or Instagram.

HCuO: What advice would you give to someone who wanted to try jump rope?
EB: Don’t be afraid to fail. I’ve been jumping 14 years and I still make mistakes, but it’s all part of learning.



Sources: All photos were provided by Ellory Bruce




Hi, I'm Deborah. I'm currently a third year Communications and Political science student at the University of Ottawa. I'd describe my hobbies as those of a middle aged housewife, I love to cook, read, crochet, marathon Netflix and pin all the diy crafts i'll most likely never make.