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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Exam time is extremely stressful. Aside from the fact that all the semester’s procrastination finally catches up to us, there is the added stress of trying to understand how to complete this month’s workload in a short period of time. With multiple presentations, final essays and exams, increased stress and anxiety levels are not too far behind. Here are some strageties on how to manage exam anxiety and be productive.

Start Early
Waiting until the day before your exam to start studying is a sure way to give yourself a panic attack and make you question your life choices. Start early, break down what needs to be done and study in sections.  

Stop the Procrastination
Contrary to popular belief (or lies we all tell ourselves), studying while playing Netflix quietly in the background is not ideal in helping you study. Neither is checking up on your high school friends on Facebook or calling your mom for the 50th time. Instead, give yourself 25-30 minutes to focus solely on your work and then 5-10 minutes for breaks in-between.

Take a Timeout
Studying for hours on end might be doing you more harm than good. It’ll be hard to recall all the things you studied if you are tired so make sure you have a decent amount of sleep and take short breaks in between study sessions. You can go for a short walk or a snack break (Netflix breaks are not a thing; it will draw you into an endless pit of binge-watching).

Eat properly
From personal experience, I know that it’s hard to find the time to make yourself a decent meal during exams. It’s much easier to grab anything that’s available on the go but this is not good for you. Junk food tends to make you more tired. When you are tired, you don’t study, and when you don’t study you get stressed. When you get stressed, you get tired (it’s really just a painful and endless cycle). Instead, grab healthier alternatives, like protein bars or granola snacks. 

P.S. Do not drink too many energy drinks. Too much Red Bull or Monster can actually leave you hyper and agitated, both of which will not be helping you with your anxiety levels.

Make a to-do list of what needs to be done.
It helps to have things laid out and that way you can deal with one issue at a time.

…And lastly, take some deep breaths. You’ve got this!


Sources: Cover Photo


Hi, I'm Deborah. I'm currently a third year Communications and Political science student at the University of Ottawa. I'd describe my hobbies as those of a middle aged housewife, I love to cook, read, crochet, marathon Netflix and pin all the diy crafts i'll most likely never make.