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Top 10 Reasons Why You’ll Be At HC U Ottawa’s “Catwalk for the Cure”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Written by: Mariam Zohouri

This January Her Campus U Ottawa will be hosting its Annual Fashion Show at Ottawa’s National Arts Centre (NAC).  If you’re on the fence or just curious to know why this is the best way to start off the New Year, read on for our “Top 10 Reasons Why You’ll Be at HC U Ottawa’s Catwalk for the Cure.

  1. You get to look classy as hell

There’s an actual physical force that repels your Steve Maddens from touching the stage at TJ’s (let’s be real here: we’ve all been on The Pole)

  1. It’s an excuse to make your significant other look classy as hell

There’s a dress-code – don’t worry we gotchu

  1. And if you don’t have a plus one, who cares? Because…

You get to walk up and down the NAC’s red carpet like the fabulous socialite that you are

Your Maddens will thank you

  1. Single or taken, it’s always great watching super-foxy-awesome-hot MEN AND WOMEN wearing super-foxy-awesome-hot clothes

It would be rude NOT to stare at the models

  1. Your presence alone is helping support a great cause: fundraising for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

Look at you and your fine charitable self

  1. There will be shopping – local designers will be selling their goods at the show as well as a silent auction

Supporting local artists? You really are too kind.

  1. Gee-Gee pride: not only did U of O students organize the event, but they’re the ones strutting their stuff down the runway

9. After-party at Junxion – IN CLASSY CLOTHES

Your Instagram is going to be off the hook

  1. When has Her Campus U Ottawa ever let you down?

Never – see you at the show! ;)

Purchase your tickets at www.catwalkforthecure.com

Photo Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10