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Top 3 Essentials when attending a Fashion and Beauty Conference

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

As more and more bloggers successfully turn their fashion and beauty blogs into full time jobs and lucrative businesses, there’s an increasing demand for the up-and-comers to learn the tricks of the trade. Blogging is no longer just a hobby it is now seen as a legitimate way to become an entrepreneur. If done well, your blog can help you become the ambassador of your favourite brand or land you that dream job on TV you’ve always wanted. One thing is for certain, turning your blog into a business takes time, effort, and loads of hustling. Conferences such as Sparks Sessions is a great way to learn from industry insiders on what companies look for from a potential business partner.

As one half of the blogging duo behind whimsicalsoles.com, I was super excited to go to Toronto for the weekend of November 15th to take part in the 2nd annual Sparks Sessions Fashion & Beauty blogger conference.

As stated on their website, the conference was put together for bloggers by bloggers, and boy, did they do a great job!

Full of up-and-coming as well as established Canadian bloggers, Spark Sessions was a great opportunity to network with people of similar interests and learn about the business of blogging, branding, marketing and PR. Of course, all the free goodies were definitely a plus!

If you, like me, plan on attending next year’s conference, here are some tips and essentials to help make your next conference experience a positive and productive one.

1. Business cards  

The first and most important thing to bring- if you forget everything else remember this. Business cards are a must as they are vital to the immense networking that occurs through the whole weekend. As this is the fashion and beauty industry, you want to make sure they’re professional but pretty, and reflect your style. Adding a picture of yourself on the card can help the people you meet remember you as they sift through the massive amount of cards they’ve collected as well.

TIP: Learn from my mistake and start designing your card months in advance as this takes quite some time. The longer you give the card company to ship, the cheaper it will be.

2. Dress to Impress

As this is a fashion and beauty conference, you will be surrounded by fashionable ladies (and men) so you want to put your best stiletto forward. Definitely dress to impress and work your personal style. I would go for a casual chic look. And, as we are Canadian, it’s totally okay to wear a stylish chunky sweater…. No Ugg boots allowed though!

3. Network

You will meet countless numbers of people and the goal is to sell yourself. Have a 30-60 second pitch ready that tells people about who you are and what you’re all about. Plug your website, YouTube, or Instagram (hint: this is where the business cards comes in handy).

TIP: The great thing about being in a room full of bloggers? “I love your lipstick! What shade is it?” is a totally relevant way to start up conversation. However, everything is not shallow; be prepared to talk about the nitty gritty details of your website and don’t be surprised when you receive amazing advice on what you can do to improve and increase your readership.

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Hi there! I am Bolu Erinoso, currently a 4th year Communications student obsessed with all things media, fashion, and beauty related. I love to read, write and recently started a personal style website at www.whimsicalsoles.com with my fellow HerCampus writer Nancy.