Full name: Yanéric Bisaillon
Age: 17 years old
Year of graduation: 2018
Program: 6-year program political science and common law (double degree)
Relationship status: Single
How are you involved on campus?
I’m involved with the PID crew, which is the volunteer team of the PIDSSA (Political International Development Studies Student Association). I’m also involved with the UONDP and Model Parliament. I also go to many events organized by the student association.
Best experience on campus?
Until now, it would probably be Frosh week. I really enjoyed it and I lived it to its fullest. Meeting so many people, it gave me great opportunities and I think this is why I’m so involved on campus.
Have you ever had a bad date?
Yes. It happens pretty often since I’m very picky.
My worst date was the time I met up with this guy who had told me he was taking Management in Telfer and that he was very involved on campus. However, once we met, it was completely different. He was taking general social sciences and was not involved on campus at all.
What do you look for in your significant other?
I like boys who are involved on campus and ambition is the aspect I look at the most. It’s really important for me and there are only a few of them. Also, I want someone who’s had a lot of experiences. I don’t really like when people have had a really easy life without doing anything.
Biggest turn off?
A smoker. It is absolutely disgusting. I hate it.
What do you find annoying in women?
I hate it when women ask me if I would want to be their gay best friend. No. I want to be your friend, not your gay friend. I’m a human before being gay!
Have you ever had any bad experiences on campus for being gay?
No. I did my coming out when I was 16 years old, so when I got here, I knew who I was. I live my life and I don’t care what others think. Until now, I haven’t met anyone who is homophobic. People are really more open-minded in University than in high school.
Which Hollywood star would be your ideal partner?
I would have to say Zac Efron. He is so sexy and he has the cutest smile.
Who is your role model?
I have two.
The first one is Jack Layton. I’m involved with UONDP because I really like what the party stands for. Also, he is the reason why I am now a Vice-President of the NDP Quebec LGBTT commission. What I remember of Mr. Layton is the sentence that I tattooed on my arm: Don’t let them tell you what can’t be done.
My second role model is Mado Lamotte! She’s a very famous drag queen. I like how true she is and how she faces her life with no regrets. She simply lives her life. I’ve seen many of her shows. I’m addicted to Cabaret Chez Mado when I go to Montreal. I would recommend it to anybody.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
This is a really big question for me because I don’t really know. This is partly why I’m taking a 6-year program. I don’t know if I want to stay involved in politics or become a lawyer. What I know is that I’m going to live my life with integrity since this is really important to me. I hope I’ll be working in another country, helping people with what I know. 10 years is a very short lapse of time.