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You Don’t Have to Be Stressed for Exams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

On the broader scale of life, a grade simply means nothing. To be fair, a good grade will get you into further educational trials in your life, but that is really where it all ends. The second you graduate and hopefully get a job in your field, your new job, and/or career, will have their own ways of doing certain things.

You will be re-trained to work accustomed to that company. Not to mention the ever-changing world we live in. New technologies are being created daily and we all have to grow to understand them to succeed.

Then there’s street smarts. Something, unfortunately, not many possess. Street smarts are what help you talk your way through a job interview and land that job. You could spend half an hour stating your qualifications earned through book smarts, but street smarts help you know when is the appropriate time and how to talk about your qualifications. But, most importantly, life is more important than grades.

Life happens while you are too busy stressing over exams. Again, I am not saying that you should go and bomb your exams and fail out of university; I am simply saying, do not allow your sense of self worth and happiness depend on such a minimal issue. Yes, what we learn in university applies to our future careers, but not on a broader scale because besides what we learn in these institutions, there is much more awaiting us.

Stop stressing over exams. Instead, whenever you feel that utter state of panic and worry overcome you this exam season, do these six things to relax, breathe, and try again. You are not alone in feeling the stress and/or anxiety you are feeling and it is important to note this. Every student goes through what you are going through. If it does get to a point where you feel overwhelmed, it is more than okay to talk to someone about it. You got this.

1)  Take A Nap

Just as your iPhone needs to re charge, so do you!

2) Listen To Music

Listen to this YouTube video!

The type is really up to you but some great artists whom I love to listen to during tense times are; Lorde, Lo-Fang, Son Lux, FKA Twigs, Broods, WET, Tom Odell, Jon Bellion, Quest, BeyoncĂ©, Drake, DJ Khaled, Spooky Black, Childish Gambino, Justin Bieber (check out his Journals album), The Script, U2, London Grammar, The 1975, and so many more. I’d love to hear who your favourite artists are to help you relax- comment below! 

3) Dance

Watch this YouTube video!

Taylor was really onto something when she told us to Shake It Off; go ahead and try. Close your door and just wild out. When I feel a bit stressed, I look up some of my favourite choreographers on Youtube and I try and learn the choreography. WilldaBeast Adams (video above) is pretty fun and great! I also love Ian Eastwood, Brian Puspos, Megan Batoon, Janelle Ginestra, Ade Willis, Quick Crew, Tricia Miranda, and Yanis Marshall. Pick any of them and have fun!

4) YouTube

Watch this YouTube video!

It goes without saying that laughter is a great distraction from stress. Whenever I need a good laugh I go straight to Youtube.

5) Netflix

Netflix is great in every possible way until it auto plays the next episode on How I Met Your Mother. But, if you are stressed, allow yourself to have at least two hours of Netflix time, before heading back into the books. Please let yourself unwind. It’s important, as Katt Williams says, to treat your star player right.

6) Go Outside

For bloggers and internet addicts like myself, the word outside is like a distant memory or a myth. Does it exist? Besides going to classes, we really do not know. But, whether it be with friends or a walk (or run) or anything by yourself, head outside. Just get out of the house or go to the library, and get some fresh air. Don’t think about how you should be studying instead because that defeats the purpose. Just let yourself breathe. Bloggers that includes you too. Even myself. 






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A media addict, an activist, a music lover, a singer, and a nappy haired black woman. In the great words of the queen, "I sneezed on the beat, and the beat got sicker." Always believe in the greatness of yourself. Nothing, is impossible. Twitter: @annettesings01 Tumblr: annetteejiofor.tumblr.com Blog: HonestlyAnnette.wordpress.com