The first few weeks of the spring semester are what I like to call “commitment season”. You’re just getting back into the groove of things after three weeks of coma-like sleeping and holiday festivities. Suddenly, you have to pick your tortures – sorry, I meant classes – for the next 4+ months. Nothing is more sacred to a Penn student than the sweet glory of the add/drop period. All day, every day students troll Penn InTouch searching for an open spot in that one recitation that just won’t let them in. Still, the perks of an add/drop period are what you make of them. Here’s how some students take full advantage of leniency during our first days on campus:
JM: “My professor assigned a reading for the first day of class….I dropped the class.”
MS: “If it’s the first week of class and I don’t feel like going to a course’s recitation, I’ll either skip and pretend I thought it wasn’t mandatory or I’ll drop the class then re-enroll after recitation is over…my laziness takes me to extremes.”
SK: “Sometimes when I am choosing between what recitation to take I’ll Google the TA and see which one is better looking. I mean if I have to go, I might as well enjoy the view.”
AG: “Nothing causes me more anxiety than having to ‘conditionally drop’ a full course.”
HT: “I’m currently attending six classes a week, and I’m only enrolled in 2 of them.”