Diana Gonimah is your typical Penn girl with a little pizzazz. This out-of-this world, charismatic sophomore has dazzled Penn with her Egyptian accent and kind heart. From campus police personnel to her friend’s parents, no one is safe from this Habibti’s charm. Keep reading to get the inside scoop on what makes Diana such an interesting addition to Penn.
Name: Diana Gonimah
School: College of Arts and Sciences
Year: 2015
Major: Psychology
What made you decide to leave your home in Egypt for Penn?
I never looked at it that way. I believe everything happens for a reason and when I got my acceptance letter from Penn, I just never looked back. My family was beautifully supportive as usual so it seemed like the next natural step in my life. Penn quickly became my home, so I guess a part of me never felt homesick because there are so many possibilities for learning, growth, and friendship here.
Did you experience culture shock?
Surprisingly, I didn’t. I think it’s partially because I was lucky enough to meet my best friends during NSO. Also, a lot of my friends today are international so I never really felt like I was the only one who had to hop on a 12-hour flight to go home–it just felt like there were always other people who were thinking the same thoughts or experiencing the same sentiments, and we all eventually settled in and loved Penn a few days into move-in.
What three words would you use to describe your freshmen experience?
Undecided (for a long, long time), incredible, and challenging (in more ways than one)
What are you involved in around campus?
First and foremost, I’m a Penn World Scholar, and I’d say bonding with and supporting my friends in World Scholars is one of my main priorities on campus. The majority of my freshman year was dedicated to co-chairing the Mentorship and Orientation Committee at AIS and serving as the Minority Affairs beat reporter for The Daily Pennsylvanian. I valued both experiences very highly and am still involved in both organizations this year. I’m going to be really busy with Save a Sex Slave (SASS), which is a new club launched by a fellow World Scholar to combat sex trafficking around the world. I can’t wait to see this club make a genuine difference in people’s lives, as it has an important and beautiful mission. I also write the Campus Cutie feature for Her Campus and am usually at all the Penn Arab Students Society events.
How do you react to being named Campus Celebrity?
I thought it was really funny. I’m used to interviewing people all the time for Campus Cutie and for different stories for The Daily Pennsylvanian, but I haven’t been on this side before. It was really sweet of you guys to nominate me. I’m really, REALLY honored!
What’s the ideal day at Penn for you?
A day in which the weather would be above average and no one would have to leave lunch or dinner early to study for a quiz or a midterm.
Favorite time of the year at Penn?
Definitely the first couple of weeks…with NSO and everyone coming back, it’s my favorite time of all. It takes me back to freshman year memories when everything was just so new and exciting. It’s even the little things that bring back the memories, like being overwhelmed by the number of clubs at the Student Activities Fair.
Give me a quote you live by?
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it, have a little faith!
Finish these sentences:
Penn girls are…driven, ambitious, and very well-dressed.
Penn guys are…street-smart and usually very sweet.Â
I would rather study than…go jogging.
I hate it when people are…mean. Everyone should be nice to everyone. But I also hate it when people interrupt my naps.
My favorite person on campus is…I love all my roommates and my friends, any of their names fit in this category.
My worst habit is…procrastinating my math homework.