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From Fling to Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

Haven’t made it back to class yet? Does your mom think you’re dead? Have you even left your bed?
Hey, no judgment. The harsh reality of a weekday after any weekend of partying is always a struggle, and Fling has most certainly flung. However, it’s time to take care of ourselves and get back in shape! After all, Formal/Finals Season has arrived: stop shying away from even the idea of moving and get back in the game!
Step One: Ignore everything you’ve ever heard about getting over a post-party slump. Hair of the dog is never the answer. Take time to relax. I’m not saying that you should hide out in your room watching reruns of Gilmore Girls (again, no judgment), but it doesn’t need to be a Fling repeat. In fact, going back to normal is probably best. Either way, don’t think you’ll never be ready for action just because you spent the last few days holed up in Van Pelt writing that monster of a history paper.
Step Two: Get stuff done! It sounds like the least possible thing to do at this point, but it will make you feel better. The worst part about spending an entire weekend (…week?) celebrating is the stress you feel about all the work that just didn’t happen. When is that paper due? Did I miss the Econ quiz? It’s next Tuesday, and no, you didn’t. Allow yourself to feel okay about doing nothing for a few full days and bang out some serious work time now. Set up shop in Fisher Fine Arts for a day, and once you’ve literally written three-thousand words’ worth of papers and finished all of your reading, you’ll feel so much better. It’ll lift off a load that you weren’t even aware was there.
Step Three: Eat and drink. You maybe forgot to while you were too busy having the time of your life, and then once you remembered it was something necessary, it just seemed like such a struggle. Walking all the way to Bui’s? Please. However, you’re going to need to do it now.  You’re probably incredibly dehydrated, so pop on over to Wawa and replenish your electrolytes with some Gatorade or Smart Water. Then, treat yourself to some real food. Carbs, protein, the works. Your best bet is something enormous, like a burger or a cheese steak or even a Chipotle burrito. Fill yourself up so you can stop living off of Easy Mac.
Step Four: Pottruck. Though that seems like a dirty word, it will do wonders for you.   only recently made my maiden voyage to the gym, and I’m glad I did. Even if you’re not super into working out, just being around a bunch of people who look like they’re training to fight Apollo Creed will make you feel healthy, healthy, healthy. If you’re feeling up to it (you are), hop on that elliptical for a quick forty-five minutes. You’ll sweat out all your leftover toxins and leave with that “I just worked out and did awesome things for my body and future” high. If you’re not hooked yet, just think of the delicious smoothie you can get when you’re done – more vitamin replenishment!

Step Five: Now, get out there! Take a shower, put on something that isn’t your high school soccer sweats, and live your life! Go to dinner, take a spin downtown, be social, and remember that having fun won’t always kill you. You’re fully equipped to get back to the way you were pre-Fling, and that’s what’s important. Give yourself some happy fun time before it’s time to survive off of Diet Coke and Five Hour Energy during Finals week. Until then, you go girl!

Grace Ortelere is a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, pursuing a psychology major. She writes about crime and is an assistant news editor for her school's student newspaper, the Daily Pennsylvanian. Grace went abroad to Paris for a semester, where she babysat for a French family and traveled to many other cities--her favorite was Barcelona! She's social chair of her sorority, Sigma Kappa, and likes to ski, hike and paraglide.