If there’s one question that every girl knows not to ask a guy it’s, “Does this dress make me look fat?” but with the new personal mobile style network, Go Try It On, that awkward question has become something you can ask the world. The mobile application and web site allow users to give and receive honest, personalized, and instant feedback on outfits before leaving the dressing room. Users simply snap a photo on a camera phone, upload the picture with a brief description or any questions on style and beauty advice, and wait for other users to immediately provide their opinions on an outfit.
The app ingeniously combines the shopping experience with social networking by allowing users to also save friends, family members, professional stylists, and other Go Try It On users as “personal stylists.” For those users who are either skeptical of advice from strangers or camera shy, the application also allows users to specify a group of people to judge their outfits.
CEO Marissa Evans launched the iPhone application in March 2010. Since then, the app has seen more than 25,000 users and has raised over $3 million from investors including Gap and Sephora. The two companies have also provided company professional stylists to provide advice for users, enabling real clients to actively interact with company professionals. Of the over 25,000 users (the majority being women), 30 percent live abroad. Users have been increasingly active in the Go Try It On community, providing over 10 million comments on uploaded pictures.
Go Try It On essentially eliminates the possibility of ever having to leave your room with any questions as to how you look. Now that you always have honest advice and professional stylists right at your fingertips, Go Try It On!