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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Studying until 2 am at your closest library? Having nightmares about maths or physics? Skipping one class just to study for another?

Indeed, it’s that time of the year, and sadly I don’t mean Halloween. It’s midterm season! Regardless of whether this is your first or last midterm season, we all know it can be pretty hard to take care of ourselves during this part of the academic year. We often put aside our physical health when tests and assignment deadlines start piling up. That’s why I made a short list of quick workouts that can help you remain healthy during this stressful time period. 

Go for a walk

As basic as this may sound, it is one of the best activities you can do during midterms. It’s pretty easy to get frustrated with your studies if all you do is go to the library and stay there for hours. You need fresh air to help you think clearly. Try to go for a walk sometime during the day. Believe me, it will help you organize your thoughts.

Go for a run

If you feel that walking is not enough for you (I totally get it, it isn’t enough for me either), then jogging is a great idea! It may seem a bit hard initially to make time for it, but honestly, you just need to wake up 20 minutes earlier and go for a run. Go at your own pace, and let your mind rest from studying for a while.


I am definitely not telling you to get a yoga studio membership. That in itself is stressful. Instead, look online; there are plenty of 15-20 minute YouTube videos showing you a variety of relaxing yoga positions which you can do from the comfort of your home. Before going to sleep, set aside some time to do some of these positions, and you’ll have one of the best nights of sleep in your life.

Ride a bike

Last but not least, go out and ride a bike for half an hour. You can either grab one from your house or simply rent it from any bike station in downtown Toronto. Feeling the wind hit your face whilst you whizz through the city is actually pretty relaxing. Instead of taking the bus or the TTC, try a bicycle. You won’t only be helping yourself, but you’ll be helping the environment too!

There you go! These are just a few workouts you can do during midterm season to clear your mind and take care of your physical health. 

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Edited by Tasmiyah Randeree

Carolina Núñez

U Toronto '22

I am Carolina Nunez. I am a first-year international student at Univerisity of Toronto in Rotman Commerce, pursuing a management specialization. Writing, recording and sharing with people are essential in my life. I seek all the time to get out of my comfort and have great stories to tell. I am passionate about business, people, reading and learning.