It’s that time of the year again, where the all the pink, lovey-dovey heart-shaped things comes out to play in order to celebrate the best, or worst holiday of the year. Is Valentine’s Day always sugar, spice and everything nice? Not always. However, as a fellow collegiate who has gone through a combination of both terrible and great V-Days, here are some of the tip and trips that I have picked up to make this 2016 Valentines the best one yet regardless of your relationship status.
Do invest in some sexy, cute, luxury, amazing Valentine’s Day lingerie.
I believe that nothing else in the world makes a collegiette feel sexier than a cute pair of underwear. You know, we all have that one special pair of underwear that we wear for those special dates or even days where we want to feel extra sexy. Since Valentine’s Day is all about the sweet, sexy and sometimes even a little bit naughty, this is definitely the perfect time to stock-up on some lucky panties. Especially for collegiettes who are going to be celebrating this holiday in a more risqué manner, a sexy bra set is must. But heck, this holiday isn’t just about celebrating the love you have for your significant other, it’s also about loving yourself! Therefore, for ladies who are just looking to expand their wardrobe, they can try some cute and comfortable panties paired with a luxurious robe.
Don’t think of this holiday as S.A.D., Single Awareness Day!
Ugh I know, it’s so tempting. Is it just a mere coincidence that SAD also spells out Single Awareness Day? Though math says yes, single collegiettes might be tempted to say it is more than a coincidence, and only makes celebrating V-Day that much more frustrating. However, why is single-hood something to feel self-conscious about? To reference 13 Going on 30, (coincidentally, a great movie to watch on Galentine’s day!), “single, thirty, flirty” is a phrase that should apply to any collegiate at any age. Therefore, skip the pity party of single awareness to join the Pussy Cat Dolls and sing ‘I don’t need a man!’
Do watch some of your favorite love-filled movies.
V-Day and romantic movies go together like apple pie and ice cream. Single or not, we are going to be tempted to snuggle up and watch some of the sappiest movies ever made. Any other day of the year, watching The Notebook, The Vow, or any Nicolas Sparks movie over a million times can taste like chewing on too many skittles at once. However, for this one day a year, an oldie is definitely a goodie. So get ready to Netflix binge your way through Valentine’s Day! I mean to be honest, I think my one true love might just be my Netflix account.
Don’t spend it online stalking, a.k.a. ‘casually checking-up’ on your ex-, crush
I bet that other than their birthday, the most likely day to cyber-stalk an ex would be on Valentine’s Day. Why do collegiettes do this? I don’t know. Have I personally done this? No comment. Either way, I know from testimonial evidence that although cyber-stalking your ex to see if you “won” the break-up might seem fun, it’s not. I am sure there are several, very complex, psychological reasons as to why collegiettes do not become happier after Facebook-ing their ex, the new girlfriend, or that really cute guy in your Chem lab. Wasting any amount of time prowling over the profiles of people who aren’t close to you anymore is definitely a big no-no.
Do remember that February 15th is the real holiday.
With all the energy and time put into preparing the perfect Valentine’s Day experience, collegiettes tend to forget the amazing deals that pop up the day after. Like all seasonal goods, Valentine’s Day chocolate in all its pink, heart-shaped glory is bound to go on-sale the day after. Therefore, regardless of your actual V-Day experience, collegiettes should make sure to treat themselves, literally, to the abundance of deals on chocolate and treats. Because in all honestly, who can say not a great sale?!
♥♥♥ Regardless of how you plan on celebrating this holiday, don’t forget to spread the love. ♥♥♥
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