Name: Ashvi Shah
Hometown: Markham          Â
College: Innis
Year of Study: 1st
Major: Intended – Criminology and International Relations
Relationship Status: Single
Give us a quick blurb about “A Day in the Life of Ashvi”.
My day always starts with a 45-minute bus ride to the closest subway station, and another 45 minutes on the subway – not a great start, but it gets better (usually). The good news is, by 4 o’clock, I’ve been through the worst. I usually meet friends after class, and explore campus or try to study. My days end with, obviously, the long commute home, where I promise myself I’ll do work when I get home but we all know that by the end of the day, there’s no motivation left. At least I got those free pancakes on campus!
Did you make resolutions or goals for the New Year? If so, what were they, and how have you been sticking to them?
I’ve actually never believed in the concept of New Year’s resolutions, or I just never made any. I always thought if I have a goal, I don’t have to wait for the New Year for a fresh start.
What’s the coolest course you’re taking this semester? Why are you taking that course?
The coolest course would have to be the one I’m taking as part of the Woodsworth One Program called Order and Disorder (WDW151/152). Since it’s a seminar-style class, it’s really engaging and fun to learn. There are a lot of unique opportunities, not to mention a couple of cool field trips.
If you had to describe yourself through a song lyric… Provide the lyric and the name of the song/artist.
This is a hard one. I think I’ll go with the theme song from my favourite show, Friends. “I’ll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour. I’ll be there for you, like I’ve been there before.” (I guess I’m a good friend.)
What do you think about the student community at U of T? This can be in your college, program of study, or the university in general.
Coming into U of T, I had always heard that students are too competitive to make friends, and that it is a cold and distant environment. Personally, I haven’t found this to be true – yet! My college, which is the smallest of the 7, is super friendly, and made me feel a lot more welcomed than I thought I would.
Give us a few tips for surviving your commute.
I honestly don’t know how I do it. The TTC will always have some troubles – with train delays, shuttle buses, rush hour crowds, need I say more? But, try to keep a positive attitude, and get involved on campus so you feel your commute was more worthwhile. Always, always leave your home extra early before a test or exam. I had a test at 8 am, and I left my house at 5:35 am – just in case! No harm in coming early, and you never know when the TTC decides to screw you over.
What do you do to relax? (In-between study sessions… Of course.)
I usually like to relax by curling up on my bed with a good book, or watching movies and shows. Occasionally, if I have time, I find myself drawing, painting, or making some sort of art. But, if I’m too lazy, I usually end up hunting down a friend to hang out with or talk to, because hey, if I’m not studying, neither are they.
If you had a spirit animal, what would it be?
I’ve never really given this much thought. Maybe a squirrel, because I’ve been told I’m really hyper.
Since you started at U of T, name something that’s been a real source of inspiration to you. (It can be a subject, a person you met, a philosophy, etc.)
I can’t actually pinpoint one specific source of inspiration. I just feel like ever since I started at U of T, the campus environment, or something, gives me inspiration to look forward to my future, and enjoy the little things in my university experience.
If you had to change one thing about the university, what would it be?
So many things, but I’ll go with the basic: lower tuition fees – c’mon, we’re all broke.