Name: Henry Au-Yeung
Hometown: Toronto
College: University College
Year of Study: 1st
Major: Computer Science
Relationship Status: Single
Q: What did you do over the Thanksgiving weekend?
I slept like a bear and then ate like one too. It was basically like a continuous cycle of eating, and then sleeping, and then when I woke up, just eating again.
Q: Have you done anything fun this year?
Well, this Wednesday my brother and I went to Koreatown and I had the best Korean food of my life. We had this special kimchi pickled radish and this type of noodle called jjajangmyeon… Oh my god. It was so good. 10/10.
Q: You’re in first year, how have you been adjusting to university?
I’ve been waking up a little earlier—actually, that’s not true, I’m probably just as lazy as before. Now, though, I think there will be bigger consequences for that. Let’s wait until midterms…
Q: Why did you choose UofT?
UofT is an amazing place where people get together and have great fun! …Seriously, I think UofT is a great school with great rankings, not to mention it has a wide variety of clubs. Being in Toronto is a big bonus, being able to enjoy the nightlife and especially the food.
Q: Are you commuting or on residence? How has that impacted your experience?
I’m commuting. In terms of meeting new people, it’s been harder, because you don’t get the same social opportunities. It’s taught me self-regulation, though, because if I don’t make my own routine I’ll miss my classes. It’s also taught me how to sleep anywhere!
Q: What’s the best class you’re taking this semester, and why?
I like Cinema Studies. It’s great because you get to watch and analyze a movie every week. It makes me view film in a different way; I can look at it from the perspective of a critic and pick up on things I may not have noticed before. It’s also introduced me to one of my favourite films right now, Let the Right One In.
Q: Do you watch TV too? What would you recommend?
If you want a drama, Black Mirror is a really good British series. It’s “the Twilight Zone meets technology.” For example, one episode follows a shaky relationship in a world where people are able to record everything that happens in their lives. If you’re looking for a comedy, check out Rick and Morty, a cross between Adventure Time and Adult Swim.
Q: What’s your least favourite food?
Food I don’t get to eat.
Q: Tell us an embarrassing story.
I was part of a show choir in high school (like Glee… but we were first). The choir goes down to the U.S. to compete every year (because show choir is huge in the States). At one of these festivals, we were up on stage (and not to brag, but I had a dance solo front row centre) and in front of all those people, we were amazing! Then I look down at my costume, you know, black pants and shirt, gold tie. And I see my hot pink boxers riding up to my ribcage…
Piece of advice, do not tuck your shirt into your underwear when you’re doing a costume change!
Q: Do you have a piece of advice you would give to first-year students?
No matter what happens, even if you fail a test or you get rejected, keep at it. There’s that proverb about time washing away the sands or something… Anyway, there’s always another option if you’re struggling, so never feel like you’re bound to something. (Be “Boundless”. Haha.) Keep an open mind and good things will come your way.