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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

It’s the end of another school year, and for some people, it’s the end of their first year at university. Leaving home to go to university can be extremely hard, but going back can be just as hard, if not harder. University allows you to be free, independent, to have a fresh start with all new people.

When I left my hometown to come to Toronto, I was extremely nervous, but also very excited. I had grown apart from my high school friends before I even left, so I was so happy to be starting over and forming new friendships. My first semester at U of T was amazing, and I met people that I know I will have relationships with for a long time to come. 

When I went home for winter break, I met up with my friends from high school, but we didn’t really have anything in common anymore other than our past experiences. And our past just wasn’t enough for us to continue to be friends in the future. While we still like each other’s posts on Instagram, favorite each other’s Tweets, and send a Snapchat here and there, we don’t talk anymore. And that is okay.

There are a lot of people who will be best friends with their high school friends forever, but there are also people who need to get away and start new relationships. It’s completely natural to grow apart, even from people you’ve known since grade school.

If you’re about to go home and you’re genuinely excited to spend the summer with your friends from high school, that’s great and you’re bound to have a really nice summer. But if you’re going home and you have a sinking feeling about having to see your old friends, know that you don’t have to see them if you don’t want to. 

University is often the first encounter people have with leaving home, and they’ll either love it or hate it. But remember, friendships fade, people change, and life still goes on. Sometimes leaving your past in the past is the best thing that you can do for yourself because all that truly matters is that you’re happy and excited for what your future has in store. 

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Emme Anderson is a 3rd year Rotman Commerce student who is also pursuing a minor in economics. In her free time, you'll probably find her scrolling through her News Feed or catching up on her favorite Netflix shows. She is also an avid (and unashamed) lover of cats and dogs and follows an unnecessary amount of dog instagrams. Feel free to check out her instagram @emmeandersonn !