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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Dear All-Nighter,

I suppose I should start with the good: I’ve had a stable relationship with you for years. You got me through some very tight times in my life (usually before an essay or a big exam), and you’re tempting – I had so many more hours to procrastinate because I know I can simply rely on you to get me through a long or tough assignment.

But I can’t do this anymore, and neither can most other college/university students.

I’m sorry, but we’re done.

You can’t blame me for falling for you at the beginning. The reputation of the all-nighter among upper year students is only superseded by the Freshmen 15, terrible meal plans, and a crashing GPA. In fact, it’s all but expected that we hook up with you at least once, followed by a bad taste in the mouth, plenty of coffee, and the stumbling walk of exhaustion and shame. There’s a knowing look that is shared amongst the student body: somewhere between pity, sympathy and disgust lie the uncomfortable understanding that an all-nighter had happened.

The only thing that’s worse than the morning after is when that report – which was written at God knows when with God knows what, is handed back with a sub par grade and the lingering disapproval and regret. The fact is, quality is almost always sacrificed when you’re involved – the brain simply doesn’t work the same way at 4am. Considering how I barely had enough time to finish the first draft when you’re involved, editing and proofreading basically goes out the window, markers of poor quality that every T.A. can easily see.

I have to do this, and I know that this is good for me. As much as I enjoy watching the sunrise and grabbing a quick breakfast before everyone else, I want to be able to enjoy the moments before dawn finally breaks sleeping, instead of counting down the moments before I have to rush into the library to get my essays printed.

Besides, I’m still maturing, and time management is one of those things that you have to get a grasp on before you can become a fully functioning adult. Not only would a good, full 8 hours of sleep be a positive change to my physical health, it’s an important step for my mental wellbeing as well. All of that last minute stress could be avoided with just a little planning ahead.

So, I’m sorry all-nighters, but I’m done. You might find more unfortunate students to sink your hooks into, but I have no doubt that they’ll also reach the same conclusion: you’re just not worth it. This is for the best, and I’m going to sleep easy tonight.


An exhausted student.

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Shuyin Yu

U Toronto

Shuyin is currently studying at the University of Toronto in the northern land of Canada. She specializes in English with a minor in Creative Expressions and spends her free time reading, writing, and being confused at other people. She has a passion for poetry, a soft spot for kittens, and a crippling caffeine addiction. Between her insanely complicated Starbucks drinks, ungodly large David’s Tea collection, she can be seen running around the St. George Campus, trying to figure out where her classes are. Luckily, she spends a good amount of her time in Graham Library and Hart House so she can always be found between the rich wood settings as she types away on her laptop. She also manages the social media outlets for the UToronto chapter, and is working on her GRE's while trying to boost her GPA. Besides working on a short story collection and a series of poetry for the past year, she occasionally freelances for the various papers and journals around campus. If she's staring at you, she's just people watching for inspiration. Maybe one day, she will be able to write full time--until then she’s moving full steam ahead towards graduate schools.
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Lisa Chen

U Toronto

Lisa Chen is currently a second year student majoring in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (it's a thing - I swear!) with a minor in English and a joint minor with Singapore National University in Asian Culture and Literature. When she is not editing articles for HerCampus and marveling at the amazing content her writers produce, Lisa is an executive on the Arts and Science Student's Union (ASSU) where she represents and advocates for the interests of over 24,000 students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Lisa hopes to study law after graduation, preferably somewhere warm like California because Canadian winters are ridiculous and she loves high-waisted shorts. If you see her around campus, don't be afraid to come say hi! Especially if you love Adventure Time and Harry Potter as much as she does.