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Simple Beauty Tips Help You Feel Your Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Edited by Sophia Savva

I have a love-hate relationship with my bathroom mirror. Well, any mirror really. I think most women do. Some days I’ll feel so great about myself, admiring the way my clothes fit or my clear skin. But other days, I can’t stop finding the imperfections in my appearance, zooming in on every pore, hyper-focused on my curves that I wish could be smaller.

Lately, I’ve been noticing that the way I feel about my appearance has a lot to do with my mood. I find that the days when I’m stressed out or feeling my inner critic’s voice is extra loud, pointing out all the flaws it can find. However, I think this relationship between mood and appearance often goes both ways. I often find my mood is brighter on the days when I look my best.

The clichés are true: looking your best helps you feel your best. So here are some of my go-to beauty tips to get a little mood-booster!


Wear Something a Little Different

When we’re super busy, it can be easy to fall into a routine—and that can include our wardrobe. I usually go for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and while there is something to be said for a simple, basic look, it can be nice to branch out a bit! But I find that when I wear something a little bit different than my everyday look, I often feel more confident. I think putting in that little bit of effort definitely boosts my mood! Plus, rocking a different look can be really fun and help you reincorporate clothes that don’t get enough wear. For me, my go-to’s are a bolder top or maybe some heeled booties when I want to switch it up a bit.

Do a Bolder Makeup Look

Coming from someone who’s day-to-day makeup look consists of mascara alone, doing a little bit more makeup really helps me to feel bolder. A swipe of eye shadow here and a dash of lipstick there really goes a long way in terms of helping you feel your best. Plus, spending a bit more time experimenting with makeup can be really fun!



I have never been a huge jewelry person, but there is something really classy about a simple necklace or a nice pair of earrings. I feel a little more put together when I tie together an outfit with some jewelry. I feel classier when I look in the mirror, and while I have to face the reality that I’m still a student, I feel more mature and ready to take on whatever the day throws at me! Maybe a bit of a stretch, but I do feel really pretty, and who doesn’t want to feel pretty?!

Do What Makes You Feel Good

Beauty if different for everyone. Maybe you hate makeup and jewelry, and would way rather rock your leggings all day. That is perfectly fine! Whatever makes you feel your best about yourself is ultimately what’s important. Little beauty changes can feel invigorating, but these could be different for everyone! Maybe you try a new hairstyle or decide to wear glasses instead of contacts. Maybe go for a bolder nail color or get a new purse! Any of these little changes can have a big effect on how you feel.

Everyone struggles with feelings of insecurity and confidence from time to time, and our inner critics can be really unkind when we look in the mirror sometimes. But little beauty boost are great ways to give you a quick shot of confidence and help you feel better about yourself. We all deserve to feel beautiful and good about ourselves, and sometimes something as simple as a bold top can help you recognize the beauty that’s been there all along!  


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U Toronto

Tali is a second year psychology student at University of Toronto. She enjoys singing, reading cheesy teen romance novels, and cooking/eating delicious food!