If you’ve never heard of the Sneaker Squad, then you are definitely missing out! Sneaker Squad is a series of walks and runs that take place at all three campuses. They’re twice a week and they’re a fun way to get involved on campus and meet new people. It’s great for people who like nature and spending time outdoors, exploring the corridors of rivers and forests located within the cityscapes of Toronto and Missisauga. With all the tests and midterms coming up, it’s a great way to take an hour for a break and some de-stressing
I asked the coordinators from the UTM Sneaker Squad some questions and here’s what they said:
Why did you decide to become a coordinator for Sneaker Squad?
“Quite honestly, I didn’t apply to lead sneaker squad. I did apply to other positions though and that was because I was a volunteer on the mental health team last year and I honestly loved the atmosphere volunteering there and all the amazing people who have taught me so much. The position was offered to me instead and I decided to take it since it seemed incredibly interesting while ensuring that I was still anchored to one of the volunteer teams so I’d have a similar experience of community but be able to do something fairly different from regular outreach.”
– Wang Yuchen
“I had been involved with Sneaker Squad last year as a participant, and absolutely fell in love with the concept of the entire program. For one, it allowed me to discover some of the beautiful hidden paths around campus, and it also gave me the opportunity to get active, de-stress, and meet a group of fun people each week. For this reason, I decided I wanted to take on this leadership role in hopes of providing a positive experience to other students and community members, thereby creating a happier, healthier, and more connected campus.
– Laura K.
What’s your favourite part about going on the walks?
“My favourite part of going out on walks is twofold. The first is the nature around campus. It’s surprising how many students head to school for four years without ever realizing that literally 5 to 10 minutes away from their classes are places they could head to, to be alone with their thoughts. It’s nice to be reminded that there is a wider world out there, in a completely different way the buildings around St George do, and is really soothing. The second is the people. I’ve always been fairly shy and introverted but the walks really allow me to connect with people that I would have most likely never met otherwise, as well as the counsellors and professors on campus. Honestly, sometimes it’s nice to know that our professors were just as confused as all of us at some point in their lives and so many of them are incredibly fascinating people, just like the students that come out with us.”
– Wang Yuchen
“So far, I’ve loved every minute! But if I had to choose one thing that I love about going on the walks, I would probably say it’s when I meet new, shy students who join the group and get excited about meeting and connecting with new people and places on campus. It’s these small victories that make my time with the program feel extremely rewarding and successful.”
– Laura K.
Most interesting thing that you’ve seen on a walk?
“I’m not sure how interesting this is, considering the UTM campus is fairly famous for the deer families that live around and on it, but the cutest thing I saw on a walk was a family of deer, including two small ones just playing around the nature trails, minding their own business, glancing at us whenever we had our phones out and staring for a bit if they suspected we were taking pictures.”
– Wang Yuchen
“So far, I think a family of 5 deer ranks pretty high on my list! No matter how many deer I see on campus, they never fail to put a smile on my face!”
– Laura K.
I would definitely say this is something worth taking the time to experience at least once. It’s a great opportunity to be active and explore new areas around your campus. After attending only one walk, I was hooked and I know that I will continue to attend throughout the year whenever I can. It’s amazing to see new places on campus that you may not have even known existed and it’s nice to just relax and enjoy the nature. If you’re attending UTM, it runs from 5:10 – 6:00PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at UTSC, it runs from 3:30 – 4:30PM on Mondays, 5:30 – 6:30 PM on Tuesdays, and 11:30 – 12:30PM on Thursdays, and at St. George Campus, it runs from 6:15-7:15pm on Wednesdays & 5:00-6:00pm on Thursdays. So, if you’re looking for something new to try out at your campus, definitely check out the Sneaker Squad!