Canada is a vast, sprawling country, home to quite a few moose, many horrible geese, and plenty of popular metropolitan areas that attract people from all over the world.
Canada also happens to be home to some of the weirdest laws I’ve ever heard of. While I couldn’t list them all just because there are so many strange ones, I have picked five of my favourites to share with everyone!
- It’s illegal to pay with too much change.
It may be time to take all those quarters and loonies to a bank!
- It was illegal to challenge someone to a duel until 2017.
I guess it’s time for me to break out my duelling swords!
- It’s illegal to drag a dead horse down the street in Toronto on Sundays.
Was this a problem previously?!
- You can’t paint your garage door purple in Kanata, Ontario.
I guess I’ll have to paint my garage door pink if I ever move there!
- It’s illegal for a bagpiper to play at the same time as another piping street performer in Victoria, BC.
I’ll just have to take my bagpipe duet to a concert hall instead.
So much for the true north strong and free!