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A Beginners Guide to the Rocky Horror Picture Show

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

To say, ‘Let’s do the time warp again’ you must have done the time warp at least once before. For those who are unfamiliar with the cult classic, The Rocky Horror Picture Show (RHPS), the first viewing can be an intimidating experience. But don’t worry, I’m here now and this is your guide for your first ever Rocky Horror Picture Show screening!

The first step is finding a screening near you. Upcoming viewings in Victoria for the Rocky Horror Picture Show are: the Vic Theatre showing on October 28 at 7:00pm and 9:30pm, October 29 at 7:00pm and 9:30 pm, and October 31 at 7:30pm. These shows all sell alcohol, so be aware of the 19+ age requirement which requires audience members to show two pieces of ID. The University of Victoria movie theatre, “Cinecenta” does an annual showing every October as well.

The reality of your first viewing is that RHPS virgins may be more observers than participants, but it is just as fun to experience it all for the first time. Everyone else knows when the jokes are coming, but you get to authentically react for the first time. Bring along some friends to go with you, it doesn’t matter if they are experienced or not because it can be a good way to not feel out of place at these shows. 

Audience participation is the reason why you go to a theatre instead of watching this film at home. Be prepared for other audience members to show up dressed as their favourite characters and bring along a variety of props. While you may not know the characters well enough to arrive in costume, still feel free to dress up, as this is a place where strangeness is appreciated. If you want to bring some props yourself, some classics you can bring are: a newspaper, to cover your head in the rain scene, a party hat for Rocky’s birthday, or some rice to throw for the wedding scenes (the theatre you are at will make their food policy clear beforehand as this is standard audience participation). There are many more potential props, but these are the basic ones for a first showing. 

The best part of the audience participation is yelling at the screen and interacting with the other audience members. Rarely is there a moment of silence, as the jokes and cued responses pile on top of each other. On a first viewing, it’s impossible to anticipate what is said next, but you can still get in on the fun with the constant running gags throughout the film. For example, when the character Brad speaks, everyone yells “asshole!” Or when the character Janet speaks, everyone yells “slut!” (This may seem a bit abrasive out of context, but in a sex positive movie it comes across more favourably). The time warp kindly provides instructions for the dance number within the lyrics so all there is left to do is follow along. 

Last bit of advice, don’t be afraid to improvise! Nothing is set in stone, and if you see a chance to make the audience laugh, go for it! While the cult following around the Rocky Horror Picture Show may not be as strong as it was a few decades ago, creativity is the best way to breathe in new life. Remember, you’re there to have fun!

Now that you are prepared to see the movie, I see you shiver with antici–

Lynn Sagar

U Vic '23

Lynn is a double major in anthropology and Indigenous studies at the University of Victoria. In her free time she enjoys travelling, playing guitar and photography.