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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

The first week of classes is over, the buses are more crowded than ever and sometimes it may feel like everyone forgot how to ride a bus. Here’s just a few tips to make everyone’s transit ride just a little smoother. 

  1. Have your bus pass ready before you get on

Whether you have the Umo app or the physical card, have it out and ready to scan before you step on the bus. You don’t want to be the person that takes forever once you step on because you’re not prepared. 

  1. Move all the way to the back

When getting on the bus, try to avoid stopping two steps in and stand there. Moving all the way to the back helps to make space for everyone else. If you don’t keep moving, people won’t be able to get on and the bus will say it’s full even though there’s still space. You could be packed like sardines on the way to school, especially if you’re taking popular buses such as the 26 or the 4. It’s important to accommodate and move back. 

  1. Don’t put your bag on a seat if the bus is full

If the bus is totally empty, it’s okay  to put your backpack on the seat beside you but as soon as other people start getting on, put it on your lap or on the floor. Don’t take up two seats if there’s people standing even if you don’t want anyone sitting next to you. Unfortunately, that’s just the reality of taking transit.

This may all seem like common knowledge but after a summer of driving or being back home, it may not be as obvious. These aren’t all the tips and tricks, just three things that can help  as we all get on the bus for these first weeks back.

Paige has been with Her Campus since September of 2022 as both a writer and editor before deciding to take on a larger role as Chapter Leader for one year. As a former Campus Correspondents at the Her Campus at UVic chapter, Paige published content, managed the executive team, oversaw retention and recruitment, and hosted meetings, now she is back to simply writing and editing, what she truly enjoys. She has published a piece with the campus newspaper before deciding that she preferred to edit and publish articles instead. She has done media for a non-profit as well as collabing with local newspapers to promote the festival that the non-profit ran. As a fourth-year writing major at UVic, Paige is minoring in journalism with a focus in creative nonfiction. She received a scholarship for a short story she wrote in 2020. She has also received various academic scholarships for her grades. She hopes to go into either publishing/editing or working for a newspaper/magazine somewhere in Europe one day, ideally in the world of Formula One. In her free time, Paige watches and keeps up with the Formula One world. She also enjoys reading a good book, bingeing one of her favourite TV shows such as Criminal Minds, and visiting bookstores.