Even with the mild weather we experience in Victoria, the winter season can require us to change our skincare routines. From dry air to final stress, some additional TLC may be needed to keep your skin at its best. Here we break down slugging, the skincare trick taking the internet by storm to prevent winter wreaking havoc on your complexion.
You may have come across videos that demonstrate spreading Aquaphor, Vaseline and other similar products across the face before bedtime. While it may seem counterproductive for acne-prone skin, Vaseline is non-comedogenic, which allows the product to provide an intense moisture barrier without breakouts.
What if Vaseline is not your thing? No worries, as other products provide the same moisturizing effects without the greasy feel. Squalene, healing ointment, sunflower oil, and many more are all other options to slug with. It may take some patch testing to see what works for your skin best, however once you find your holy grail, you’ll be on your way to mega-moisturized skin!
Slugging products work as an occlusive, meaning that you still need to apply moisturizer under your product of choice. In addition to moisturizer, one needs to be careful about the active skincare ingredients used during the routine. Ingredients such as retinol can have a stronger effect when slugging, which may cause unwanted irritation.
Have you tried slugging yet? If you start, you may never want to stop!