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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

In the past couple of years, you may have heard talk about UVic’s SEXPO events around the Valentine’s Day holiday. Well, this year SEXPO is bigger and better than ever. From February 13th-16th, four days of panels, vendors, art, films and workshops will fill the halls of UVSS with life and light. SEXPO is held and organised by the UVic Gender Empowerment Centre in coalition with the Society of Students with a Disability and the Anti-Violence Project. Its goal is to inform students about sexual wellness, empower sexual expression and strengthen intersectionality. 

Events range from free screenings, including ‘The Watermelon Woman,’ a film by an aspiring lesbian black director, to rope-play workshops, all of which you can freely register to attend through the UVic Gender Empowerment Centre site. A few events are 18+, including an accessible sex toys workshop, but most are open to anyone who would like to attend.

The market is often the most popular of the events held during SEXPO. This year, the vendors will set up shop on the 14th and 15th of February in the Michelle Pujol room in the SUB from 10 am to 5 pm. Vendors range from local sex shops to t-shirts, jewellery, artwork, tarot cards and more.

Two larger events will also be held during SEXPO. Groovefest, a variety show, will be held in Vertigo on February 14th from 8:15 pm to 11:30 pm. SEXPO will wrap up on Friday the 16th with ‘Flux’, a live music and dance party in Vertigo from 8 pm – 12:30 am. Both events and the rest of SEXPO will offer support from the Anti-Violence Project if needed, located on the bottom level of the UVSS.

Ellie Tommila, a volunteer for the Anti-Violence Project, expressed her love for last year’s SEXPO, saying, “I found the environment of the event quite welcoming and inclusive. It really spreads positivity about sexuality and diversity…while offering students knowledge on safe sex!” 

We hope to see you all there!

Helena Howland is the Marketing and Publicity Director of the Her Campus Chapter at the University of Victoria. Within this role, Helena is in charge of all things chapter promotion! This includes marketing and publicizing events and the club on campus. Helena is currently in her fourth year, finishing up her degree in political science with a minor in journalism and professional writing, with a specialty in gender studies. Helena joined HerCampus in the fall of 2023. In her spare time, Helena loves spending time with her friends and family, as well as reading the newest headline on CNN or binge reading a fantasy novel. Because of her specialty in gender and womens studies, she also volunteers win the Anti-Violence Project at the University of Victoria which specializes in helping survivors of sexual violence. She hopes one day to be combining her love of journalism and gender studies by writing articles on gender inequality.