Evan is a third year studying a combined major in Geography and Earth and Ocean Sciences, with honors. He also enjoys a good physical geography pun, so feel to break the ice with this gem. Originally from Kamloops, BC, Evan is not the type to stay in one place for too long. Having been to ”just fifteen” countries, Evan is a true outdoorsman and quite a character.
HC: What is your favourite flavour of oatmeal?
I hate oatmeal, but if I have to – blueberry and maple syrup.
HC: List your 3 best traits.
Very good looking, I’m super modest, and honestly I am beautiful inside and out
HC: What is your favourite place you have ever visited?
Oh, Istanbul. It’s a cultural mixing pot. It’s a perfect combination of Europe and Asia, city and culture; it’s basically where the entire world came and got smashed together into this incredible city.
HC: What is one thing you cannot live without?
HC: What is something you are passionate about?
I am passionate about rocks, landscapes and large northern spaces. I dig it.
HC: Toques or Snapbacks?
Neither, I’d rather wear a helmet. A helmet is more fashionable.
HC: What clubs or organizations are you a part of and what is your role in each of them?
I am the PR Committee Representative for Rotaract Club. I am also a part of the UVic Chamber Singers; I sing the lowest of the low and build the vocal foundation. We have an event coming up on April 4th! I also sing a lot in German and Latin. I am a part of the UVic Caving Club as well.
HC: What languages do you speak?
English, Portuguese… my French is okay, my Spanish – I can get by. My Turkish is a mess, but I would love to learn Swahili.
HC: What is your favourite thing about UVic?
I enjoy being able to be in a program with people who are passionate about similar things.
HC: Do you play any instruments?
Trumpet, and Baritone Horn.