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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Wyoming chapter.

Halloween is right around the corner! Now, if you’re anything like me, then you’ve been decorating since October 1st. Holidays are an awesome time to spruce up your apartment and have it looking festive to the max. Halloween is an easy one to decorate for. Spider webs, bats, pumpkins. Pretty much anything can be a Halloween decoration if it is “spooky” enough!


Here are seven DIY Halloween crafts to help turn your normal everyday apartment into a spooky mansion!


1. Pumpkin Garland– this is a craft that my roommate put together to hang along her closet!


Orange Yarn

Green pipe cleaners

Yarn to string your pumpkins on

Directions from Pinterest

2. Eyeball Wreath– I made this one to hang on my bedroom door!


Materials (as pictured above):

Foam wreath (found in fake flower section)

Ping Pong balls

Googly Eyes


Orange yarn (not pictured)


I found the basic idea for this wreath on Pinterest, but modified it. Here are my directions!

1. Take your foam wreath and begin wrapping it with the orange yarn until completely covered. No green should be showing. Once this is finished, put aside.

2. Take your googly eyes and ping pong balls and begin gluing one eye onto each ball. These are your eyeballs! Spooky!

3. Once your eyeballs have dried (mine took overnight), begin gluing them onto your wreath.

4. If you have leftover space after putting on your eyeballs, you can glue on singular googly eyes to help fill the void space.

5. Attach a string to the back of your wreath to hang it. Tada! You’re all done!

3. Mini Painted Pumpkin

Now this “craft” is super simple, but still very fun. You can find mini pumpkins anywhere larger pumpkins are sold or go on an adventure to a pumpkin patch with some friends! There are not real directions to this, you can make whatever design you want! All you need is a pumpkin, some paint, and paintbrushes.

4. Skeleton Windchime/Mobile- I gave this craft to my roommate to hang above her bed. Ultimate spooky mobile.


Moveable skeleton (I got mine at Dollar Tree)


Stick/small tree branch


1. Begin by taking apart all of the pieces of the skeleton. I know this seems slightly disturbing… but the result is worth it.

2. Tie pieces of twine, varying in length, to all of the skeleton pieces.

3. Begin tying the strung up bones to your stick/ tree branch. Once everything is tied, you’re finished!  

5. Yarn Pumpkin


Orange Yarn

Brown and green pipe cleaners



Directions from Pinterest

Mine looks a little different than the pinterest version… it is harder than it looks!

6. Ghost and Spider Garland!– My roommate also made this to decorate her ceilings.


For spiders:

Black yarn

Black pipe cleaners

String for hanging

For ghosts:

White yarn

Black sharpie (for eyes)

String for hanging

Directions from Pinterest:

For spiders

For ghost

7. Hanging spider web– of my roommate’s creation


Spider web (from dollar tree)

Spider rings (from dollar tree)


Yarn to hang


1. Open web and stretch it to size.

2. Attach web to stick by wrapping pieces of the top web onto the stick.

3. Add spider rings

4. Add yarn to hang

5. Use small command hooks or push pins to display the web however you desire.





Hailee Riddle

U Wyoming '20

Writing is hard, but I love it. "Little girls with dreams become women with vision." HC U Wyoming Writing since 2016  
Kaitlyn is a recent grad the University of Wyoming, where she got her degree in Marketing. She has been the Campus Correspondent for a Pink level chapter, a Chapter Advisor to some amazing chapters, and now has the pleasure of being a Region Leader. Born and raised on the Western Slope of Colorado, her love for nature and the outdoors comes naturally. Kaitlyn lives for football season, but finds way to stay preoccupied during the off-season. She enjoys long walks in the mountains, beer as cold as her heart, and bacon on her burgers. You can follow Kaitlyn’s adventures on Instagram, @kaysoup.