With classes now in full swing you have been running around trying to stay organized. Not only do you have to get to all your classes, but you want to run to the gym, talk to a teacher and grab a bite all before you get back to the dorms or your apartment. With the exception of your necessities for your classes, there are a few things you absolutely should keep in your backpack or bookbag on a regular basis that will make your life about a hundred times easier! Also, pro tip, in many buildings on campus (business, engineering, fine arts, half acre, etc.) there are lockers that you can either rent or just use to keep your things in if your backpack weighs more than you do! So what are these life savers (not the candy!) that you should carry with you?
 Alright, I know, this one is super obvious. But SERIOUSLY, it is so so so important to carry a day planner or at least a notebook with a calendar to keep track of assignments, important dates, meetings and events. If you’re like me, you can’t remember what’s happening later today much less next tuesday. When you are as busy as I am, it is so much easier to write things down as soon as they are assigned or planned, and you can even color code! They even give out free ones on campus at the beginning of the year. So take advantage of it! Break out your gel pens and get organized; I guarantee you will learn to love your planner as much as I do!
2. Water Bottle
Again, this seems obvious, but you wouldn’t believe how many people I see in class without water. Like, aren’t you dying? Especially when you are running around our high-altitude campus all day, a (FULL) water bottle is seriously a must. If you are like many college students, coffee is a staple. Caffeine, as wonderful as it is, dehydrates you faster than normal so you should be drinking lots of water! There are even cute little pockets on the outside of many backpacks which are made for water bottles, so you have no excuse.
3. Chapstick
On the same lines as a water bottle, chapstick is also very important! Wyoming is dry and windy, which is hard on students who are walking all over campus. Chapstick is light, cheap, and practical! It even tastes good. I have chapstick in my purse, my backpack, even my car. Do it for your lips.
4. Deodorant/Powder
You may want to pack some deodorant and translucent powder to combat the sweat you work up going from class to class.
5. Gloves/Hat
In case no one told you, Wyoming is cold, and it’s only going to get colder. We’re talking negative 40 cold in the dead of winter. Autumn brings more than just pumpkin spice lattes, candles and pretty trees. As beautiful as Laramie is, it will start getting really chilly. It might be nice during the day, but you are going to want a hat and/or gloves if you happen to be out during the evening or if the weather suddenly decides to change its mind midday. But don’t fret; they make great accessories! You can find some beautiful handknit hats like these on Etsy!
6. Sunglasses
It gets sunny, and no one wants those pesky squint lines. Have sunglasses.
7. Snack(s)
If you’re like me, sometimes you just forget to eat and then are stuck with no food. While I usually keep my wallet on me, spending money on food can get expensive way too quickly. Even just throwing a couple of granola bars in your backpack can make the difference between hangry and happy.
8. Cough Drops/Gum/Kleenex
Yeah I know these are pretty different things, but I think they can be grouped together. Even when you feel perfectly fine, there is always that one person in class who is annoying everyone by coughing up a lung. You can politely offer them a cough drop and be a hero. And then when you aren’t feeling well, you are always prepared. Gum (and cough drops) can both help your breath and your coughing, which can be super embarrassing and distracting in a class! Also, Kleenex are pretty much always useful and come in adorable little packs.
9. Pain Relievers
These speak for themselves. Goodbye, cramps and headaches!
So there you go. It’s not only boy scouts who should always be prepared! Stock your backpack and get all geared up for the school year, collegiettes!