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The Best Parts of Being A Poke During Homecoming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Wyoming chapter.

Homecoming. A time of year to really appreciate all the great things about the University of Wyoming. Everything from the people to the atmosphere of the football game that ends the week. The weather hits that perfect autumn stride, where it’s not too hot but not too cold, and you can wear scarves and drink hot cocoa while enjoying the Homecoming football game. Many people find Homecoming to be just another week in the year with football and activities. The difference between Homecoming and any other week is the UW focus of Homecoming week. Alumni come back, departments on campus get excited, and the students show their support by doing service and engaging in the festivities. Here are some great parts of being a Poke Homecoming week:

Homecoming Sing

Although I never participate, watching various campus groups (mainly sororities) participate is always fun. Some groups get really into it, which makes Sing all the more fun to attend and watch.

Homecoming Week Competition Events

Sing technically is an event of Homecoming week, but there are many other activities throughout the week. The fun part of these events comes from the competition aspect. Groups of students compete all week, which probably contributes to the extra Poke Pride around campus.

The Big Event

The Big Event kicks off Homecoming week. Honestly, what better way to start off a week than giving back to a community that gives so much to UW students?

The Tri Delta Pancake Breakfast

There are few pairings I like better than food and philanthropy. The Tri Delta 24-hour Pancake Breakfast manages to achieve this with pancakes and donating to St. Jude’s. What better way to end a good football game day than with unlimited pancakes for $5?!


The Homecoming football game tends to be the game for students. Even students who have no love for the game attend because it’s Homecoming! There’s such an energetic excitement gameday. Young and old Poke fans unite for this game.

Poke Pride

UW students have so much pride in the institution. Homecoming acts as just another way to get excited about UW. Really, how could we not have massive amounts of pride in our institution? UW and Laramie are the type of communities many places aspire to be like. There’s something special about living in a place where everyone is ready to help and ready to do work. I can’t do the community justice in describing how wonderful it is to be a Poke. Homecoming week paints a picture of everything great about being a Poke. Because once a Cowboy, always a Cowboy.

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Emily Cornell

U Wyoming '17

Emily is a graduate of the University of Wyoming with a Bachelor's in Business Management and Master's in Communication. In terms of career, Emily interned for Wyoming Athletics, and wants to eventually work in sports marketing. When not working or in class, she can typically be found baking cheesecakes, drinking coffee, or having random adventures. If the idea of these three things seem exciting, you can follow her on Instagram or Twitter, username: emilproblems.