Is it just me, or is it that time of year when everybody’s sick, nobody is in class, and you have literally every assignment due within the next few days?
Good. Not just me.
But how do you force yourself to do what you need to do when you absolutely don’t want to do it? Did I miss something in that freshman intro course that told me the secret to life?
Luckily, I am really bad at everything, including procrastination, and I have some tips for you folks on how to get over this slump.
1. Drink lots of fluids, like water and orange juice.
I’m not one of those people who “drinks their calories.” Orange juice and other fruit juices have a ton of sugar in them, but the benefits truly outweigh the harm here. Orange juice and citrus drinks will make you feel a whole lot better. And water is an obvious choice, we should be drinking our weight in water everyday anyways to keep us hydrated, especially at this altitude of 7220 ft.
2. Sleep should be a top priority, next to all of those assignments.
(Actual footage of me falling asleep everywhere)
All jokes aside, sleep is incredibly important, especially if you’re battling a sickness. Let your body heal up.
3. Don’t procrastinate by doing other things.
Accomplishing other things, like cleaning… or writing articles… will give you a sense of accomplishment and you feel proud of yourself. But the fact of the matter is, you’re still not getting that homework done.
4. You’re more motivated to do your work in a productive environment.
I know, I want to stay in bed too. I understand the struggle. Get up, get a change of scenery, and get that work done!
5. Just remember, those assignments won’t do themselves.
And you can’t use the excuse “my dog ate my homework.”