If you haven’t heard, Jordan Peele made a horror movie, Get Out. Although the movie has some really interest undertones that address current issues in the U.S., I find myself really concerned about one piece of the film. Before you read further, I caution that there are spoilers. If you have seen the movie, I’m sure you also have these very serious concerns about the movie and its ending.
The fact that the TSA agent saves the day truly creates a conundrum for travelers everywhere. I have so many questions. Where did he get that car? How did he get that information to find the house? Who would really believe the TSA would actually save the day?! This man is making a good name for TSA agents everywhere, all because he’s the hero!
I am now experiencing an existential crisis because what if TSA really is saving the day behind the scenes! What if TSA agents really do know everything?! Wrapping my mind around TSA potential role change is a mind game. Only Jordan Peele could make one of the most mocked positions in law enforcement a true American hero. Remember, folks, not all heroes wear capes.
I understand people are having other issues with the undertones of the movie. Discussing the issues further would need an entirely different article. A summary: Yes, there are racial undertones. No, it’s not racist towards White people. Yes, this movie will be starting many conversations around race.