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A Fight Still Being Fought Cannot be Forgotten

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

This past week, the nation celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy. It is truly an incredible task trying to comprehend his impact on the world– today’s society would be unrecognizable without Dr. King, especially considering the contributions made by racial minorities. Still, the fight for equality continues on; however, Dr. King has catapulted this journey possibly more than any single individual.

Social norms and views differ across the world. I have become familiar with ideas that may astonish people of other regions. I live in Birmingham, AL and grew up in a town neighboring Montgomery, AL. These places were the hearts of Jim Crowe and the fights against these heinous laws. Every day, I am reminded of the individuals who were willing to lose their lives to ensure that my ancestors could never freely live theirs. Social media, news outlets, and my physical surroundings all alert me of the world’s truth: racism is alive and well. If you do not believe so, your ignorance is truly bliss.

To those around me who attempt to discredit Dr. King and the work of his constituents, I ask, ‘How does one fly Confederate flags and celebrate General Robert E. Lee, but simply claim “southern pride”?’ The Confederacy was founded upon the love for slavery and the hate for slaves. The South will rise again? The supremacy of the South was fueled by the oppression of blacks. Your agenda is racist and I, too, would be ashamed to admit this.

There are individuals who believe that African Americans play “victim,” that the African American struggle should be forgotten. Ironically, these individuals insist on keeping the victimizers’ and their ideas alive. However, a fight still being fought cannot be forgotten. Neither the systematic black struggle nor the southern agenda will ever be forgotten, for there is not one without the other.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. Why support inequality? Why hate others for their identities? Why invest time, energy, and other resources in negative agendas? 
My name is Kristal and I am currently a senior at UAB. As a business major and hopeful journalist, I hope to use my gifts and knowledge to reach across the world. I have interests in all things related to society-- hisory, social justice issues, man-made societal "norms." In my spare time, I enjoy working out, watching documentaries, viewing fashion blogs and magazines, and dreaming of the possibilities of my future. Would I forget to mention the importance of "Clueless" references in my life? Ugh, as if!