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Getting Through the Rest of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

For those of us at UAB spring break is now officially over and with no breaks left in sight, it’s definitely going to be hard to find motivation to finish out this semester. After getting a taste during spring break of what this summer’s going to be like, we want nothing more than for this semester to be over. With final exams, final projects, and move out day (for those of us who live on campus) approaching, it’s going to be hard to stay sane and push through. However, here are a few tips to get yourself through the rest of this semester. 


  • Get enough sleep 

As hard as that may be, you’ll be in such a good mood and in a great mindset for classes if you at least attempt to get 8 hours of sleep every night. If you don’t get 8 hours of sleep find time at least once a week for a 30 minute to 1 hour nap. Sleep truly does help with everything.  


  • Take a self care day 

It’s important that every once in a while you take a day for yourself. Watch your favorite movie or tv show, read your favorite book, do a face mask, eat your favorite food, go shopping, etc. Just do whatever will make you happy so you can de-stress for a bit.  


  • Eat well, but give yourself some cheat days 

When you’re stressed, it’s important that you balance out that stress by eating healthy. A healthy lifestyle is the best for you, but you should also take a few cheat days especially if you’re feeling stressed. You’ll have all summer to work off any weight you gained.  


  • Study 

Take a few minutes every day to look over your notes from class that day. If you do that then you won’t have to worry about cramming everything into your brain the night before an exam.


  • Remember why you’re here in the first place 

You’re either here because your parents are paying for it, because you’re on scholarship, and/or because you’re taking out student loans. Either way, you’re here for a reason and remember that many people would love to be in your position. Don’t take college for granted.  


  • Think about how your life will be once you’re done with college 

This hard work that you’re putting in now and the stress that you’re currently dealing with will all pay off whenever you get your dream job one day.