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Dear Body: Happy Valentine’s Day (Love Yourself Edition)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Last year, I wrote an article about why I love Valentine’s Day, despite the fact that’s it is a romantic holiday and I didn’t have a significant other. I talked about the fact that I love Valentine’s Day because it’s a great reminder to share in all kinds of love, more than just romantic: the kind of love that you share with your parents, friends, siblings, coworkers, peers, etc. Looking back, I still really think that all rings true. But I’ve since realized I missed out on a very important type of love: self love.

Self love is important. If you’re not loving yourself, all your other relationships suffer. Sometimes it’s easier said than done to practice self love, because we forget to appreciate ourselves, or we feel selfish when we dedicate time to loving ourselves. So this Valentine’s Day, my letter isn’t addressed to my readers. It’s addressed to myself, because I deserve my own love; but readers, my letter is for you as much as it is for me. I want you to remember to love yourself. You deserve it, too.


Dear Self,

Thank you for being healthy and beautiful and kind. Thank you for going to yoga – it is good for our body and our mind. Thank you for eating nourishing foods like salad and veggies, but also for indulging in chips and ice cream. Thank you for working hard at school and work, and challenging yourself to find success. Thank you also for taking time to sleep in and watch crappy tv shows, even when you have homework to do. Thank you for the wonderful friends you have gathered around you, who also love and appreciate you. Thank you for you, self. I love you.

Self, you are amazing. You are funny and energetic. You climb mountains and swim oceans. You cry and laugh and scream and love deeply, be it others or yourself. You cook, write essays, do laundry, speak up in class, lead meetings, drink coffee, show up on time for work, give hugs, receive hugs. You find great gifs for articles. You live life, as lovingly as possible. For this, and for everything, I love you.

For this Valentine’s Day, I promise to love myself actively, and to treat myself with all the love and respect that I deserve, but that I may forget to give in my daily life. I will take myself out for delicious foods, let myself sleep as much as I need to, buy myself chocolates, send myself flowers, and show myself an all around good time. I promise to love myself the way I deserve to be loved: completely, and without judgment. I love myself.



Dear reader – this Valentine’s Day, treat yo’self to some self love. You deserve it.


Co-Campus Correspondent at Her Campus UBC. Originally from Calgary, Jessica is a third-year English Honours student at UBC. She loves reading anything she can get her hands on, and sometimes she even writes, too.