From February 29th – March 4th, you, as a UBC student, have a very important task to complete – to vote in the 2016 AMS Elections! For a representative democratic system to function properly, the right to vote is key; UBC cannot properly represent your needs unless you include your input in the form of a vote. If that didn’t sway you into voting, keep in mind that you give money to the AMS through your student fees. Don’t you want to make sure that your money is used wisely? Taking the time to vote is an essential step in keeping UBC accountable to our needs. To help you with this process, HCUBC has compiled a list of all of the candidates along with links to their websites and platforms. Get to know the candidates and make sure to vote!
Candidates for AMS President
Ava Nasiri
David Alexander Brown
No image or info.
Jenna Omassi
Hassan Packir
Sugar Brewer
Kylo Ren
Candidates for Vice President External
Kathleen Simpson
Alexander Kilpatrick
Candidates for Vice-President Academic & University Affairs
Andrew Liang
Hussam Zbeeb
Samantha So
Candidates for Vice-President Administration
Chris Scott
Alan Ehrenholz
Candidate for Vice-President Finance
Louis Retief
Candidates for Board of Governors
Veronica Knott
Reda El Maazi
Aaron Bailey
Candidates for Senate
Jenna Omassi
Zahara Baugh
Lily Takeuchi
Khaled Nasra
Lina Castro
Dario Garousian
Daniel Lam
Asad Ali
Andrew Dyadin
Kaidie Williams
Victoria Lansdown
Nick Dawson
Kevin Doering
Samantha So