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An Interview with Simran Brar: Leadership and Advocacy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Simran is a third-year student in science with a passion for student advocacy. During her past years at UBC, she has been involved with many organizations including the AMS, UBC Residence life, and Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity.

Here’s my interview with Simran Brar! 

HCUBC: “Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?”

Simran: “I’m a third year biology student. I’m a part of several organizations like Alpha Phi Omega which is a co-ed service fraternity that I helped found, as well as Orchard Commons Residence Association. This past summer I sat on the AMS University & External Affairs committee because I’m really passionate about advocacy.”


HCUBC: “Why does advocacy interest you?”

Simran: “I got involved with politics when I was really young. I came to university knowing that I have the capability to pursue goals that I really care about and one of these goals was to provide a voice for students in some capacity.  Right now, its providing a voice to students living in Orchard Commons.”


HCUBC: “What are your long term plans?”

Simran: “First of all, I want to get my GPA up a little higher, so I can get into my top grad school choices. I’m in a place in my life where I have a lot of things I want to do.  To be honest, I don’t know which direction I want to go. I’m looking at my options, and a lot of them are related to life sciences, maybe Dentistry”


HCUBC: “What are your short time plans? ”

Simran: “There are so many opportunities available that can help me grow as an individual and opportunities for me to help others. I want to continue to work hard on the opportunities that I have and build on them, by interacting and learning from other talented student leaders, and learning from my mistakes. Some of my current work includes: advocating for students in Orchard Commons, and supporting leadership development in my co-ed service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. “When it comes to advocacy, I feel like it’s important to make sure people are aware that they have a voice, and it’s so important to realize  that not everyone has the same voice as you. So why not speak up when you can?”


HCUBC: “Who are your role models?”

Simran: “My parents. They have always supported me behind every step.  They continue to motivate me and they’re one of the main reasons why I decided to come to UBC. Another role model of mine is my friend, Nika Moeini. She’s a very passionate leader on campus. I love how she take initiatives, and she searches for things she can actively do to better student’s experiences. She inspires me to do better and to push myself.”


Thank you Simran for an amazing interview!  Good luck with your graduate school applications! 

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