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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

Midterm season is here, and with exams looming, it’s time to get serious about studying. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or just looking for ways to enhance your productivity, here are a few simple strategies that can make all the difference. 

1. Change up your study environment

If you’ve been studying inside your dorm or bedroom, try heading to a cafĂ©, library, or even an unfamiliar spot, like a park. A new setting can give you a fresh perspective, boost creativity, and help keep you focused. CafĂ©s offer a lively atmosphere with just the right amount of background noise, while libraries provide a quiet space that’s perfect for concentrated work. Personally, my favorite places to study are in Haas Library or Edmond’s CafĂ©. A change of scenery can provide new, fresh energy for your study sessions.

2. Try the Pomodoro Technique and active recall

This time management method involves working in short, focused bursts — typically 25 minutes of studying followed by a five-minute break. After four cycles, you can take a longer break. This technique prevents your brain from burning out and makes long study sessions feel more manageable. In addition to staying organized with time, incorporating active recall through flashcards is an excellent way to retain information. Instead of passively rereading notes, actively quizzing yourself helps solidify concepts in your memory.

3. Make your notes pretty

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of making your notes visually appealing. Color-coding, highlighting key points, and even using doodles or diagrams can make your notes easier to understand. I love using pastel highlighters in different colors for my color coding, and I like to stick to a key to stay organized. The process of creatively organizing information makes studying more enjoyable and can also reinforce what you’ve learned. 

To top it all off, don’t forget to prioritize self-care during midterm season. While studying is important, it’s equally crucial to get enough rest, eat healthy meals, and stay hydrated. Taking care of your body directly impacts your ability to focus and retain information. Try incorporating short stretches or a quick walk during your study breaks to clear your mind and keep your energy levels up. Remember, balance is key; burning out will only make it harder to absorb material, so make time for relaxation as well. A well-rested mind will help you to be productive!

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Jacqueline Nguyen

UC Berkeley '24

I am a currently majoring in at Business Administration at the Univeristy of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business. With a passion for writing and storytelling, I joined Her Campus to contribute to its mission of empowering women through thoughtful content. Outside the classroom, I am committed to personal growth and exploring new experiences. I enjoy weightlifting, a hobby that helps her maintain physical and mental strength. In her free time, she loves going on boba runs and discovering new restaurants, always on the lookout for the latest food trends. Her interest in beauty also plays a big part in her life, and she enjoys staying updated on the latest skincare and makeup products. Through my work with Her Campus, I hopes to inspire readers by sharing her experiences, from lifestyle topics to beauty tips, while also connecting with others who share my love for food, health, and wellness.