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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

With finals season upon us, self-care is a necessity. But taking a few moments for self-care is hard when so much studying needs to be done.

Here are five quick and easy self-care activities to destress from finals or any other troubles in your life:  

1. Take a walk around campus 

Take some time to walk around parts of campus you haven’t been able to visit. I love Strawberry Creek and the area around the Campanile late at night. 

2. Write a letter or call someone you care about

Talking to my friends and family makes a big difference in my day. Writing a letter or decorating a card to send to a friend can help take your mind off of looming deadlines. If a letter or card isn’t your style, calling a friend to talk is also a way to practice self-care with other people. 

3. Watch an episode of one of your favorite shows 

As busy college students, we all have episodes we’ve been wanting to catch up on for months but haven’t had the time. So, in between studying, grab a blanket, get some snacks, and watch an episode of something comforting or dramatic (just make sure to only watch one episode!). 

4. Stretch or do some yoga 

Moving your body is a great way to practice self-care. Try this 30-minute yoga video or practice some stretches you already know to reset before your next round of studying. 

5. Take a nap 

After what can feel like hours of studying, this common self-care activity for college students definitely works. Just make sure you’re in a really comfortable space (not in a library) where you can actually relax and feel well-rested afterward.

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Samantha Herrera

UC Berkeley '23

Hello! My name is Samantha Herrera and I am currently a Junior English major minoring in Journalism and Creative Writing. In my free time, I love reading, writing, and community service. I love talking about books and reading so if you ever need any book recommendations I'm the person to talk to!