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Cal Spirit Reigns During Annual Big Game Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

Saturday, Oct. 21 marked Cal’s annual football match against Stanford University. In addition to the game’s relatively unusual timing—a departure from a more traditional November date—this year’s Big Game Rally saw a change of venue from the Greek Theatre to Edwards Stadium, as well as a consequent absence of the evening’s customary bonfire.

Members of the event’s planning committee compensated for the loss, however, by featuring a series of fire-blasting machines and a finale of blue and gold fireworks. Appearances by guest speakers such as members of the legendary play against Stanford in 1982 provided a larger and entertaining context for the impending game, and performances by student groups like the Golden Overtones and the UC Men’s Octet sustained a high volume of student energy.

Such spirit carried over into the noon commencement of the match, where the blue and gold-clad student section led the mass of Berkeley fans in Memorial Stadium in cheering for the resident team. Though a series of errors and fumbled mistakes on the part of the Golden Bears largely prevented them from taking back the axe—resulting in a score of 3-21—the vivacity of the various stadium-wide chants, the crowd-pleasing appearance by Cal Band, and the overall shared spirit and pride in the school provided a thoroughly enjoyable game day, succeeding in the end where our team, perhaps, did not.

But there’s always next year.


Image Source:
1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/20/uc-berkeley-stanford-_n_1992737…

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Aleyni Cerezo

UC Berkeley

Elizabeth is a senior majoring in American Studies with a concentration in consumer behavior at the University of California, Berkeley. You'll find her at the pool swimming with the Cal club water polo team or running through campus training for the next half marathon. In addition to an active lifestyle, Elizabeth loves to keep up to date with the latest tech trends and is always looking for a new recipe to try out! Elizabeth hopes to pursue a career in public relations and marketing after graduation.