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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

It is autumn. The breeze is cool, the leaves are vibrant hues of red, orange and yellow, and the local Trader Joe’s has pumpkin-flavored everything. It is a time of slowing down, a time of settlement and balance, as the seasons change from sunny and warm to dark and cold. It is also a time of social and academic change: from the summer’s excitement, freedom, fun and friends, to the remembrance of scholastic importance in the form of midterms and the realization of short-lived friendships. It is time to take a breath, give thanks and prepare for the coming cold.

During the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of the “dark academia” aesthetic allowed people an escape route, a way to feel grounded and connected in a changing, isolated world. This aesthetic consists of longing for higher education, moody peers, forbidden romance, identities and neutral-darks. The basis of it combines fantasy with reality and allowed enthusiasts to step into a story that they actually want to see themselves in. However, it is important to address the problematic elements and correct errors and mindfulness in the future.

Many argue that dark academia is inherently elitist and white for romanticizing western-centric ideals of higher education, while often only showing white students and styles in inspirational images. Instead of working against the aesthetic and canceling one’s interest due to its criticism, one can still enjoy it through mindful practices and the recognition of power struggles inherent to the aesthetic. Disclaimer aside, here are some ways to escape the struggles and embrace the season, adding a little bit of spice to your everyday autumn morning routine.

1. Start every morning, regardless of the season, with a glass of water.

This one is a no-brainer. Water first. Fuel yourself, and welcome yourself to a new day.

2. Drink a warm beverage to wake up right.

Coffee, tea or hot chocolate helps to soothe and calm, allowing your mind and body to feel satisfied, all the while allowing your mind a moment of peace in this world of chaos.

3. Limit social media and phone usage.

Being mindful is the name of the season. Allow your mind to instead wander to planning the day, or deeper topics such as the meaning of life.

4. Incorporate dark, moody, autumn colors into everything.

Pretending you are a misunderstood academic is only heightened by spatially paralleling the dark complexities of your mind.

5. Dress comfortably but confident.

It is autumn, so remaining warm and cozy is a must. However, don’t sacrifice confidence and power for this. Sweaters, trousers, and boots are simple ways to combat this. (Pinterest is a great resource!)

Shopping via Unsplash?width=1024&height=1024&fit=cover&auto=webp&dpr=4
Cam Morin via Unsplash

6. Eat a healthy breakfast.

Strong bodies fuel strong minds, and strong minds treat themselves right. Feed yourself and feel good about it.

7. Embrace the cold.

Sit by the window, dance in the rain and run through the autumn leaves on campus. This weather cannot stop you, and in fact, is only adding to the romantically aestheticized world of your life.

8. Put on a morning mood playlist.

Set the tone you want for yourself. As a student, mindset is everything. Your actions in this world are only reactions to your environment. Set the mood and put yourself exactly where you want to.

9. Read and journal.

Both are wonderful fillers for social media and other things mindlessly killing your time. Take pride in being the mysterious student with a book in hand. Take the time to teach yourself how to love learning again.

10. Romanticize the hard and tedious things, like studying and note-taking.

The more you romanticize it, the more you will want to do it. Especially when it is difficult, this form of escapism can make a huge difference.

11. Surround yourself with things that you are thankful for.

Happiness and love grow from intention and recognition.

12. Go on a morning adventure or a morning walk.

Turn anything seemingly mundane into an adventure. Your life is exciting–it is time you remembered to live it.

Take a breath, and remember the excitement of existence that you get to be a part of. Create your world. These suggestions have no rules. Make your life beautiful and remember to find joy in everything. Embrace the cold, the moodiness and work to create a space you feel comfortable and confident in.

Mariah Trinity

UC Berkeley '24

hey! just a berkeley girlie hopin to write and photograph some cool stuff for ya!