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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

After taking a break from working out, I recently decided to get back into the gym, and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. At first, the idea of returning to a consistent workout routine seemed daunting. I’d fallen out of the habit, and the thought of going back to a structured schedule felt overwhelming. But as I slowly got back into it, I realized that fitness wasn’t just about building physical strength — it was helping me develop discipline and organization in all areas of my life.

One of the biggest benefits of returning to the gym has been the discipline I’ve gained. Setting a consistent workout schedule required me to prioritize my time and hold myself accountable, especially when I didn’t have much motivation. I’ve come to learn that discipline is about showing up, even when you don’t feel like it. By committing to a few sessions each week, I found that this habit naturally carried over into other aspects of my life. Whether it’s staying on top of school assignments, managing my work schedule, or balancing my social life, the structure I created with fitness helped me stay organized and focused.

Getting back into fitness also forced me to become more organized. From planning meals to scheduling workout sessions around my classes and activities, I realized how important it was to create a balanced routine. Being organized in the gym meant preparing ahead, tracking my progress, and ensuring I was staying on track with my goals. In turn, this organization spilled into other parts of my day — I became more mindful of how I spent my time and how I could optimize it to achieve personal and academic goals.

If you’re someone who’s struggling to get back into the gym or find motivation, I have one piece of advice: go with a friend! Working out with a friend not only makes the experience more enjoyable but also adds a layer of accountability. There have been days when I didn’t feel like going, but knowing I had plans to work out with a friend gave me the extra push I needed to show up. Plus, having someone to share the journey with makes it less intimidating. Whether you’re lifting weights, taking a fitness class, or doing cardio, having someone by your side can turn the workout into a fun, social activity rather than just another item on your to-do list.

Getting back into the gym isn’t just about physical health. For me, it’s been a journey toward becoming more disciplined, organized, and balanced in life. It’s about showing up for yourself and embracing the process, even when it’s hard. If you’re finding it difficult to take the first step, grab a friend and go together — you’ll be surprised how much more fun and motivating it can be when you have someone cheering you on.

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Jacqueline Nguyen

UC Berkeley '24

I am a currently majoring in at Business Administration at the Univeristy of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business. With a passion for writing and storytelling, I joined Her Campus to contribute to its mission of empowering women through thoughtful content. Outside the classroom, I am committed to personal growth and exploring new experiences. I enjoy weightlifting, a hobby that helps her maintain physical and mental strength. In her free time, she loves going on boba runs and discovering new restaurants, always on the lookout for the latest food trends. Her interest in beauty also plays a big part in her life, and she enjoys staying updated on the latest skincare and makeup products. Through my work with Her Campus, I hopes to inspire readers by sharing her experiences, from lifestyle topics to beauty tips, while also connecting with others who share my love for food, health, and wellness.