Name: Jason Gibson
Age: 19
Hometown: Los Angeles, Ca
Her Campus: Where do you see yourself post-grad?
Jason Gibson: If not in the NFL, I see myself being a physical therapist or somewhere in the media for sports.
HC: What do you look for in a girl?
JG: I want my girl to be smart, good looking, knows how to have fun and supportive.
HC: What’s your favorite childhood memory?
JG:Â My favorite childhood memory was watching my sister being born. The sad thing is I fainted but it was funny. lol
HC: What’s your idea of a perfect date?
JG: Eating the perfect dinner on top of the highest roof in San Francisco while overlooking the Bay would be the perfect date for me.
HC: What Extra Curriculars are you involved with?
JG: I’m on the varsity football team here and I play Linebacker.
HC: What’s your favorite part about college so far?
JG: Meeting new people every day and partying is my favorite.
HC: What’s the last song you played on your ipod?
JG: The last song I listened to on my ipod was Drake, Lil Wayne and Tyga- The Motto
HC: What’s your favorite pick up line?
JG: I haven’t used a pick up line since middle school but it was, “Hey I just realized this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend.”
HC: Where’s your favorite place to eat in Berkeley?
JG: I haven’t been here that long to explore so right now its Steve’s Korean BBQ. That BBQ chicken and Beef is too bomb.
HC: If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
JG: If I could have a super power I would want to be able to heal a broken heart because so many girls have one now-a-days.
Vote for Jason Gibson as Mr. UC Berkeley Campus Freshman here!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.