There are days when nothing goes right, and all I want to do is rot in my bed, wallowing about everything I think has gone wrong. However, I’ve also accumulated a list of what helps me feel best because there’s no one better to take care of myself than me!
Everyone’s “everything shower” includes different steps, so there’s no universal formula for how it should be done.
The point is to take care of yourself through physical acts of cleansing and tidying up.
Finish the long, warm shower with your skincare routine or face mask so you feel even more taken care of.
2. Watch a favorite/comfort movie
I know for a fact that when I’ve had a long week, the thing that calms me down is opening my laptop and playing a comfort film while I rot away in bed.
Some of my favorite movies are part of the Disney Princess collection (I’m a Disney adult, don’t judge), but sometimes I’ll pull up a feel-good series like Friends, just so my mind doesn’t have to exert more energy after exhausting it all week.
3. WalK
Walking can be done anywhere — around the neighborhood or even a 30-minute exercise on the treadmill.
The mindless act of walking with my favorite song playing in my ears does so much to relax me. I prefer the fresh air that comes with venturing down the streets of Berkeley, near my apartment, because it makes me feel like I’m stepping outside my suffocating surroundings.
4. Exercise
Before establishing a daily exercise routine, the thought of willingly putting my body through physical movement as a form of self-care would’ve made me shrivel up and fade away.
As dramatic as that sounds, exercising wasn’t something I considered a form of self-care, but now I turn to a full-body stretch or pilates session to make myself feel better!
I don’t place any pressure on myself to push to a certain limit; my only expectation is to do the best I can. Repairing my approach to physical movement, I realized I turned to exercise to feel my best, especially after removing any expectations about how far I should push myself.
5. Solo Dates
Before starting college, the idea of doing anything alone scared me so much that I wouldn’t even entertain the thought of a solo date.
Now, after getting comfortable with the city and exploring different parts of the Bay Area without a constant companion, I think solo dates are some of the best ways to relax and unwind.
Sometimes, it’s the people around us that we need a break from, so if you feel brave enough to go on a solo adventure, it’s an excellent way of putting yourself first.
6. Shopping
This suggestion doesn’t mean going insane with funds you might not have. It can even mean window shopping or browsing your favorite online stores.
The mindlessness of meandering through stores and cataloging items that catch your eye can be exactly what you need to feel a boost of energy.
7. Read a book
As an avid reader, I gravitate towards books when I need some time to myself.
It’s difficult to find time for the books I want when I’m swamped with readings for classes.
There are days when all I want to do is lay in my bed and read the book that’s been left on my desk for far too long, waiting to get opened.
8. Journaling
I resorted to journaling when the thoughts spiraling in my head became too much for me to organize mentally.
When I need to sort through thoughts without my mind becoming a mess, I open my journal and list everything that’s going on. There’s no method to what I do other than making sure I’m not left alone with my thoughts running loose when I can write them down to organize them.
9. Listening to music that’s always uplifted you
My taste in music is specific to my mood, and I always have something particular that I want to listen to when I need to rejuvenate myself.
A little jam session, either through headphones or out loud without roommates or friends around, might be necessary to relieve some built-up stress.
10. Take a nap
A nap might be a hit-or-miss suggestion because it depends on the person. Sometimes, I can’t get my mind to turn off, even to get sleep.
There are also days when all I want is to get into my pajamas and under the covers to physically and mentally rest.