On March 29, three UCLA students were arrested and charged with obstructing an officer and failure to disperse after protesting at a UC Board of Regents meeting at UCSF. Students used the public comments portion of the meeting as a forum to accuse the UC regents and UC President Mark Yudof for being out of touch with the needs of the students.  In addition, the students questioned the motive of the Regents to hold the meeting during spring break when many students would be unable to attend.
   Tensions heightened as chairwoman Sherry Lansing attempted to end the public comments session early and proceed with the meeting agenda.  Audience members interrupted the meeting, calling for an opportunity for other speakers to voice their opinions. The regents left the conference room and police in riot guards entered. The students then stripped down to beachwear to celebrate spring break.  After various warnings, the protesters left the conference room and the police handcuffed two UCLA students.  Another UCLA graduate student was arrested for the obstruction of an officer and failure to disperse.
   According to the UCSF executive news director, the arrests followed a confrontation between the students and police in the hallway outside of the conference room.  The UC Police had declared the protest an unlawful assembly and gave the students 3 warnings to leave the premises.
Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/03/29/BAVH1NS3CB.DTL&tsp=1
Photo Source: http://www.dailycal.org/2012/03/29/three-protesters-detained-at-uc-regents-meeting-thursda